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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
And I'm feeling quite agitated, over little things. Happy one second, then irritated, then emotional. No, it's not a womanly, monthly thing lol that's not going on. I'm just wondering if any other Leeb moons are feeling this? Does it affect us in that way?
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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
Ugh, I said 'as well' twice in the same sentence. -_-
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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
AHHHH. This is too much to soak up lol I feel so extremely behind! I need to read more about all of this.
Thank you both for the information! And um, no! Libras are amazing, not money-grubbing; unless their name is Kim Kardashian lol
So basically my sun sign is Taurus now?
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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
I know, I'm missing the point and acting quite erratic right now lol apologies. But I really don't like how I feel today.
Yes, my emotions are swinging high and low all day and I am trying to do everything to keep my head in place...
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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
I always appreciate yours and utopia's input; you're both extremely well informed. You did not hijack my thread, no worries.
I'm just feeling extremely out of sorts and unidentifiable; I simply cannot pinpoint why I'm happy one minute and sad the next these passed few days. I'm truly hoping it's just the moon affecting me or something I'll figure out soon.
My Jupiter is Gemini, so paired with more air that has to be a lot of energy that needs to come out. And I will say, I have been harnessing quite a bit if my inner life recently. Perhaps it's smothering that energy? I don't really know yet.
Yes I'm absolutely looking for an outlet, and a reason for these unexplainable feelings.