The most beautiful.

This topic was created in the Libra forum by GodBlessAmerica on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 56 replies.
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Is the Libra or Aquarius most beautiful? Once again, Virgos are underestimated.
oh thanks, but im bias.
Smile wise Aqua and Pisces have a sweeter smile. Sweeter not sexy.
Butt wise Libra girls take the top position, followed by Aries and then Pisces
Charming wise, Libra girls are once again on top position.
Character wise - Do I need to mention it?? Tongue
And intelligent tooo.. Anytime I will vote for a libra girl.
Dimples make people Sweet not sexy.
Smirks and eyes make them sexy.
Or because you're a Libra yourself. You look like Jay-Z gone hiking.
The beauty in Pisces and Aquarius is .. 'higher octave' a dreamy spacy 'far out' kind of beauty, sexy and unusual. Libra is basic.
Or to describe it more succiently beauty in Pisces and Aquarius is more etheral and ephemeral.
'ephemeral' not a good descriptive word my bad.
"The beauty in Pisces and Aquarius is .. 'higher octave' a dreamy spacy 'far out' kind of beauty, sexy and unusual. Libra is basic."
I agree, except I would describe Libra beauty as classic not basic. Libra girls represent the benchmark for beauty for me. They have this radiant femaninity that brings out the admittance of what objective beauty is. They are the aphrodite.
Classic can be nothing but basic buddy.
Compressed ovate face, neotenous probable feminine maturity at an early age, no angularity in the features, soft and feminine, very alluring albeit airy so in this respect differentiated from the Taurean expression which is the more inert chthonic 'original' Venusian expression infact the Taurean expression may be the true classic.
Typically Libran 17 year old - User Submitted Image
I agree with everything with the angularity. The angles and curves are usually more subtle than prominant but they are there. The Libran influence keeps the physical features proportionate and from being "offensive" or any one feature from standing out above the others. Everything is built so that one first notices everything about them, no one feature being extreme enough to create a focus. Usually Libra women are very proportionate both in overall shape and individual features. Same with the guys for the most part as well so that the physical appearance is inviting rather than striking, some astrologers also say this helps out the charm by making others unafraid to get close and then our influence and persuasion can be better used.
/6979/ not /6972/.
What? No Aries? Well, we do tend to look more animalistic and unfortunately a few Aries (i.e. Marlon Brando) became rotund / bloated giving our image a bad name. As a whole, I think Aries give off that smoldering stuff----which may also equate to beauty / being sexy.
You have got to be nuts, if you don't thinks scorpio woman are beautiful and sexy. HELLO!!!!
I think Libras are the more beautiful of the two, but perhaps that's because I'm an Aquarian. Libras are very feminine, they aren't feminists, they're simply feminine. But they're not the passive women that for centuries allowed men to own them literally as property. They will stand their ground, but they will do it with a very soft, subtle, and feminine grace.
libra is not a feminist. Aqua is a feminist. Libra is more natural and dont push feminist theories into her head and follow it blindly.
I think Libra has a calm beauty and perhaps Aqua has a sexy beauty.
Aqua is blond and Libra is a brunette.
Also, Libra tends to dress better than Aqua. Maybe that's where the classic comes from...
And Scorps are just HOT!!! Dress, looks, and aura...
I know a libra cheater/feminist who refuses to shave her legs and armpits.

* Libra is more natural and dont push feminist theories into her head and follow it blindly.
Libra is generally accepted as a very masculine sign and Libra women are usually seen as "the iron fist in velvet glove". They ARE pro-feminist because they believe in equality.
Libra woman are also considered the most beautiful. It has a lot to do with grace and the way we move and hold ourselves.
Also Libras are known for their smiles AND their asses.
(Just melted from looking at a Scorpy---homage to QS).
LOL!!! Lady M
Winking - Atom, you better tell 'em, scorp women have been known to mealt many on sight, especially Libras... LOL!!! ***Blushes***
QS, those smoldering eyes and swishy tail will do it every time!
I've never met a feminist Libra. Now, we may be using different definitions of feminist here. When I say feminist I mean the radical lunatics that burned their bras in the sixties. The ones who would rather go into debt paying for day-care than stay at home with kids b/c that would be "letting the man win", as it were. The psychos that refuse to act feminine to make a statement. The Libras I know believe in equality, yes. But they most certainly aren't feminists. I agree with the iron fist in the velvet glove analogy.
That's right, TWB...
Tammy Wynette's Stand By Your Man, in all its glory!
***QS, those smoldering eyes and swishy tail will do it every timeStars**
Huh, very funny. LOL!!! Swishy tails, yes indeed...
In all honesty. I don't know many female librans, but the couple I have known weren't all that feminine or beautiful. In fact, one was very insecure and the other was a little weird, as in, stuck up however didn't back it up perse. Kind of loud... According to what you guys say about libra girls these are both out of charactor.
How old were they?
Libra, they were in their late 20's at the time, they still are the same now. I dunno, it is strange. We had mutual friends, but I have never had a libra girl as a friend before. Besides you and LS of course smile. Oh and I jus met a Libra girl who lives in my neighborhood this weekend while I was out. We had fun. She was very pretty and fun.. I forgot about her. I did just meet her Saturday night. We exchanged numbers and shall hang out. Funny, she is dating a guy that went to college with my girlfriend (who we met for drinks, with a couple other friends) He lives in ATL. She here in Chicago. Funny.
QueenS, are their birthdays (of the two eird ones) towards the end of the annual Libra period?
even if a libra girl isn't breathtakingly beautiful by normal standards (though many are), they have this superhuman charm that really sweeps you off your feet.
I have seen some UGLY libra men and women.
but there personality always saves them.
I have always wondered if a persons looks and beauty depends on the gestures and expressions they make which is based on what goes inside their head. Reason - many virgo women looks ugly. Thoughts are all bad bad and may be bcoz of expressing such thoughts which activate some unwanted facial muscles make them look ugly over a period of time. ??? Any thoughts on this?? smile
Even when I have found average looking not at all attractive libra girls, the moment they smile, its all different.
An individuals beauty is his/her character and thats where no one can compete with a libra. Aqua is wiser than libra. Gemini is more creative than libra, Aries is more active than libra.... all agreed... But anytime.. anywhere... all these becomes of no importance when I have a libra girl in front of me smiling...
thelibran, I tend to agree with you.
I love that song! But then, I'm a male Aquarian...
""An individuals beauty is his/her character and thats where no one can compete with a libra.""
Uhhh, not 100% true at all, I know some Librans with pretty bad charactor. I think this would apply to different people in general, regardless of the sign.
Libras don't have the best character. Completely biased information considering he's a Libra himself.
They're all characters and, as a whole, I agree that MOST don't have the best character. Some do. Pretty elite group, really.
leos and sags!!best charm libras!!
Libras/Aquas...I give it a tie and thats with inner/outer...I'll say that Aquas appear to be more masculine Libras can better hide it... most people can't picture me mowing the lawn and changing my brakes and what not... Aquas, they're more wiser with a libra on board...and Gems are way more creative when they put us in the mix...we can be such a good influence smile... i just had to add that...completely biased info since i'm a libra myself...Libras are great!!! WooHoo!!!
Feminist was originally to mean equality between the sexes in all aspects of life. Libras, if using this definition are feminists, but the word has since become used to describe radicals who believe that women are more important than men. This is what most people are associating the word with on the board it looks like.
Libras are feminists, they are not radical.
If one wanted to get philosophical about it, libras are the true femanists...equal but different. They want to know how and to understand the things men do but not because they want to be able to replace men but because they just want to know. When it comes to relationships Libra women are equals, they want to work just as hard, play just as hard, share the same responsibilities but when it comes to romance they have an innate understanding of the differences between men and women, they will take on a femanine roll and do it to perfection. Just as the Libra male can be very domestic and sensitive when the door gets closed and the lights go out being dominant/masculine is only natural, the same is true for libra women. They can be self assertive and get their hands dirty but when the door gets closed and the lights go out........ equal but opposite.

The signs that take femanism to the next level, where they are stubbornly going to be "strong women" in every aspect of their lives are more inline with Aries, Scorpio women, and Aqua women.
i always thought confidence to be the best internal characteristic of beauty or attractiveness. And somehow its aura gravitates to the outer person as well. I think it's how a person carries themselves in the end. A person can be beautiful or handsome and lack confidence, and get lost in the wallpaper, or not so perfect physically, yet have the most magnetic aura and personality in the room..
***I'll say that Aquas appear to be more masculine Libras can better hide it... most people can't picture me mowing the lawn and changing my brakes and what not... ****
Aquas are not masculine. They are big time supporters of feminist theories. But deep inside they know they are not strong like an Aries or Libra women. So they pretend they are masculine but with a feminist base. Libra women is masculine as well as feminine and it depends when and where they become what.
Right on, thelibra.
Not masculine like that...but in their ideals and such...
then again i take that back...its pretty equal...
"Once again, Virgos are underestimated."
I Know