This topic was created in the Libra forum by KEVIN30 on Sunday, December 31, 2006 and has 31 replies.
All libras, and airs signs at that, are manipulative dramatic and selfish people who cant see past themselves and blame everyone else for their problems. They are so manipulative that they begin to believe thier own lies and think everyone is out to get them but dont understand why people are ever mad at them. They use people and lie to get what they want, but expect everyone to do everything for them and cant figure out why people dont want to talk to them anymore b/c they dont know how to give back. Everything is a guilt trip with them. You could sit and listen to them repeat themselves for hours about how everyone is ruining thier life, and when you make one statement or have a problem they accuse you of making everything about you. They are double talkers and change thier opinions to better suit thier arguments at different times. Libras are not balanced, they are far from it, and the only thing they care about is balancing thier own life, even if you are at the expense. Yes its true libras dont like loud fights, but only unless they are the ones venting. Truly manipulative, self-oriented, guilt-creating people. Youll leave a conversation thinking youre the wrong one, when theyre the messed up ones. If you ever have a problem that you dont want to talk about but would rather just get support from them or a hug, they will get pissed off that you wont tell them, and make you feel guilty that youre sad. And if you do tell them, they will judge you on thier own morals and not even understand what youre saying and start talking about themselves. They love to turn everything around and make you look like the one in the wrong, when they are.. dont let them fool you through thier guilt, painted stories and manipulation.. libras are dramatic hell
this is true...where did you get info, Kevin?
I read this a while ago and refrianed from getting into it, it looks like this is his first post so I'm thinking he signed up just to vent.
he just post some valid points...and i'm not saying that without having anything to back up his points.
was wondering if he read this somewhere or if these were his thoughts alone.
kris, you're taurus or leo? I forgot.
The above statement can be meant for _ANY_ sign , all signs are like that!
not really, benj.
This is funny. Now since HP74 backed Kevin, am almost convinced that whoever wrote the original post is not an air sign. Thats an accurate description of how most earth signs see a libra. Just cant help since they know no better. Winking
hmmm, Happy New Year from the ignorant Bull.
Not only is it a description of how earth signs can see a Libra, but it is also the description of a "bad Libra" as in a lot of the traits that come out in an imature, angry specimine of our sign.
Happy new year HP74. I wasnt trying to blame. Kevin can be our same old Kris who just copy pasted from
Plato's Allegory of the cave. Winking
and chkout . Libra is top on the ratings. Yahooooooooooooooo........ smile
silly me
Top of the ratings could be caused by varying aspects: For all we know, Librans created the higher ratings based on biased views. I'd have to look at these ratings and the link you posted, but first thought is that site is just a popularity contest of sorts.
But that's just the ignorant Earth side of me making that rationalization. smile
I dunno who created such ratings... just found it there and posted Winking Earth is not ignorant nor less intelligent. Just like a file created in macOS cannot be ready in a windowsXP based machine
**cannot be read (typo)
This is very valid for the most part.. I don't think you all, but twist words to work for you. Have had dealings with several libras and I would say this would be considered, one of your weaknesses, if you will. Kind of sounds more like my ex libra on the cusp, then my friend libra in September..
But still very true for both but at different levels of intensity bc of the different relationship dynamics.. A friend/dating libra is different than when you live with one.. you see the side he states above more often than the romantic sensual side, so often you forget it is there...
I hate to admit it because I love you all, but there is a lot of truth there.
Brat, you aren't supposed to feel that're not an Earth sign afterall. Winking
HP74.. that is what he said.. not sure it is true for aquas.. I guess someone who has dealt with us will have to comment on that.. I don't find those traits in myself, however, I did find he was accurate of the libra I was with in my past relationship. Not so much with my libra best-friend, but we are not around eachother like that... I think if I was, I would see more of those tendencies..
Brat, I was mocking "TheLibran" as he posted: "This is funny. Now since HP74 backed Kevin, am almost convinced that whoever wrote the original post is not an air sign. Thats an accurate description of how most earth signs see a libra. Just cant help since they know no better."
Apparently us earth signs are ignorant. Winking
I think we all have the capacity to act as the original poster described. Remove astrology from the equation and think of how someone has a personality type. They have good qualities and bad qualities, but you take someone who has a negative perspective on everything from being depressed, hurt, angry, insecure, unconfident, generally unhappy and you start to see all of their negative qualities as their negativity comes out. He just pointed out all of the possible, or ingrained negative traits, and it is up to the person in question to realize them and fix yeah, we are all a little like that but there are a whole lot of us that you would never likely see most of those traits, it is the difference between a mature person and an immature person, and less to do with the sign.
HP74.. Girl you're a nut!! you have me crackin up all the time with these quirky posts.. You keep it interesting and fun here! Winking
Nic.. I can see your point of view on the original post. Maybe I just had a really bad exp. with my first libra and that is why all that negative stuff matches up...'s okay.. i'm learnin'.
I'm not trying to defend him, it's just that it is common to get a bad version with any sign, if the people are unhappy.
lol... funny how HP read my post. Earth signs dont understand airsigns as what they are. Thats one major issue. No matter how much an earth sign try to genuinly appreciate air signs qualities, they fail. Its not bcoz earth is ignorant. They have no idea how an air signs brain functions. They see us unstable and immature at most cases. They consider our flirty charming nature as superficial. Thats wat i mean "they know no better". Considering the fact that earth is pessimistic in nature, they often see only the negative sides of an air sign. And as nic mentioned, this can be a libra whos out of his mind. posessed by the dark side. Winking
and thus your comment further says I'm ignorant. following is the definition of ignorant:
ig?no?rant /ˈɪgnərənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ig-ner-uhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
?adjective 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

It's ok, Libran. I still love you...even if I don't know any better. I love everyone and despite your pessimistic comment, I'm quite opposite.
unfortunately some parts are true...;( and they really do love talking about themselves and only about themselves...forgotten about you or your prob...always trying to squeezz tat "I" in a conversation.
Me, myself and I huh??
I think Libras tell the truth other people for emotional reason don't listen. We generally try to save other people unnecessary heartache so generally say things in a gentler less blunt way. As a result, we are not cruel and often misunderstood. Unless you push us, then game on.
*** forgotten about you or your prob...always trying to squeezz tat "I" in a conversation.
everyone does this. In North America, it is estimated that a person will try to turn the conversation to themselves within 30 seconds.