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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Hello fellow Libras!! How do yall deal with this I feel like I do some heavy mirroring but do any of you call that person out or just disappear?
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Aug 26, 2015Comments: 7 · Posts: 1428 · Topics: 44
With what sign do you want to do the heavy mirroring?
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
I am mirroring a Gem but I have these urges to make a dramaticovebjustbto to the stand off.
My ex capi didn't like me calling her out on her bs. I dont mirror, I dont like games either so I just ignore the stuff till she acts like an adult. Just ignore the gem, dont feed their egos... they don't deserve your attention lol
Just ignore him. But when he does call or text make sure to be busy and show him he doesn't have ur undivided attention.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Here you are again, focusing on your feelings ... meanwhile, you practice abusing your baby.
You admittedly beat him and also you pin his hands against the wall ... and he's only two years old.
when asked .. you said you do those things to him to try and force him to stop being upset about being tossed back forth between family members.
Oh, but, you just blow past that and take it lightly, like it's ok to abuse your child. It will never be ok.
I notice that you post a lot of shit about how life is unfair to you, and you struggle with having good things in your life ..... yeah, it's called karma you child abusing bitch.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It's never going to be ok to pretend that it should be forgotten/forgiving.
The moment you admitted to dxp that you physically hit your baby for being upset - you became a predator, and quite frankly, you should be in prison.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
@P_Angel you are a total psychopath who fails to see your own errors and totally forgot what that post was about and the context. I would never spank my child for being upset and from what I hear you are the monster darling so don't come on her judging me for my parenting when you can't even remember what was said. Anyways this post is 13 days old why are you following it? Don't drink and DXP baby. Also my child is one of the happiest and most creative I have ever met. His father and I co patent very well together he knows fully well how loved he is and tells us so frequently he is 3 so he is learning and this is our first child so we are learning. Your expertly ignorant observations sound like you are the personification of the comment section of every post ever. You are just a big pile of nothing relevant so go play else where fish you stink.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
When in reality, what I said is EXACTLY what happened, according to you.
You have this baby 5 hours on Tuesday, and 5 hours on Thursday .. because the rest of the time, he's been tossed around.
Because you don't even have your own child ... that's how terrible you are as a parent.
The context of your post was that you couldn't control him. He acts out. You said, verbatim, "spanking doesn't work" ... when I called you out on it, you said you only resort to spanking when he's doing something dangerous ... when in reality, when you mentioned spanking, you were talking about using it to control his behavior. Then you proceeded to say that you pin his hands against the wall to try and get him to be a good boy and listen to you.
You even told us that the baby himself, reminds you that you hurt him and are bad to him. So, even he knows what you're doing to him is fucked up.
You can have any comeback you want with me ... but, I won't stop. I don't child abusers. Every time you come in here and talk about yourself, I'm going to point out for all the viewing audience what a piece of shit you really are.
because you are. And it doesn't matter what you say back. I'll still come at you. Because somebody has to.
You abuse a baby. And you belong in prison. It will never be ok, and it will never be forgotten ... so plan on every one of your threads (that I find) having this shit smeared all over it.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Correction: 5 hours Monday and Tuesday
Also, you can hide the thread to save face if you want, I already copied it for future reference when you come in here to talk about yourself, and YOUR feelings.