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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I met up with my first bf about 3 years ago and we had started to fall back in love. We were out at a beach talking and cuddling when I had this overwelming feeling that I was going to be hurt, my heart felt pain in that instant...
8 months later he died...
The last guy I dated, on our first date...we were highly attracted to each other but I could feel it wasn't going to work...
it lasted 3 months...
Does anyone have any insight on this, is it a spiritual sense that I don't know how to control or read or is this just intuition and evidently I should trust in it...but how do I if I might get it wrong?
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Wow. I could write a book answering this. I don't even know where to start. Yay!
Intuition is often the little inner nag. It can come through:
Clairvoyance ? images you see in your mind's eye
Clairaudience ? things you hear (inner whisper for example)
Clairsentient ? things you feel (upset tummy when someone suggests something to you) or pick up and feel other people's emotions or physical pains. (Those who have the later is often referred to as empaths.)
Claircognitive ? things you just know. (This is the hardest to describe. Have you ever just known things were going to happen or about people? That is claircognitive.)
Most people think intuition or spiritual guidance is a choir of angels standing at the side of the road saying, ?Hark! You there! Go to the grocery store at 7:30 pm on Tuesday March 10th and you shall meet your soul mate. His name is Mark and he will be wearing blue. Go forth!?
It doesn't work that way. It is a quiet, inner nag of what should. Most interestingly, intuition is not necessarily about what YOU want. It is what the soul needs for development. (Everyone wants to know what their soul purpose is so they can make a lot of money and meet the person of their dreams and never have a hard day in their life. That isn't how the soul works. The soul does not care what car you drive.)
Oddly, when we pray for guidance, intuition does not answer in the way we expect. For examples, you may be praying, wishing for a new lover and may suddenly find yourself drawn to start painting or taking a class of some sort. Because it isn't a voice or something saying ?go to the grocery store? a lot of people don't take the next step and follow the urge to take the class. They can't see the bigger picture. Perhaps you will befriend the sister of your new lover. Or befriend someone who you have a deep friendship with and a year later meet the new lover at a dinner party. Had you not followed the first step you were guided to, it doesn't happen. We are locked into our very limited perceptions therefore, we miss a lot.
Intuition is just the suggestion of a path to which we must take human steps to follow.
A great book that really introduces and explains the concept of intuition and following it is Doreen Virtue's How to Hear You're Angels. It is very short, easy to read, and understand.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
We still have no clear methods of reading why we feel what we feel. Animals do it better. I guess its something we lost with evolution when we started using words for communication.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
So what I think you are really asking is How do we recognize other people and how do we know what is going to happen before it actually happens.
We recognize people because we have known their souls before. The stranger who you feel aprehensive about? The stranger you can't wait to get to know? These are all people we have known before and our reactions have to do with whether our interactions with them were positive and negative. This reactions are our reactions to the karma between our souls. Although many people fear karma and think it is bad, it is actually neutral. Karma is a lesson on how our own behaviour effects others. (Early Christian leaders decided to make karma an after life phenomenon (heaven and hell) so you would reap the effects of your karma for eternity. They also stopped teaching reincarnation, despite that is what Jesus taught. In most other religions, karma is an ongoing balancing act and can be quite immediate. Our job is to balance our karma and come into harmony with all.)
Sometimes, we recognize people because they are marked for us and are going to teach us very valuable lessons for our soul growth. Sometimes, these are painful lessons and sometimes they are quite joyous. Regardless, you usually have a feeling that you should pay attention, when you first meet them. Usually these people link back to your soul group or more commonly are referred to as soulmates. (Soulmates are not always romantic, usually they aren't. Many times can be very difficult relationships because of all the karma between you. Sometimes they are just people you have had very positive associations with. Your family, friends, even boss can be one of your many soulmates. We have more than one. )
With these type of relationships, we have a soul contract with the person who is to teach us. We often know what is going to happen on some level. We just sense it. This is probably what you felt at the time you knew things wouldn't work out. You probably caught a glance of your soul contract with that person or else it was your intution protecting you.
A really great book on soul groups, contracts, etc is a book called Journey of the Souls.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Oh I meant to mention, that Sonia Choquette has a very good book on psychic development called ?Trust Your Vibes?. I have not read it but others speak highly of it. From my understanding, it strengthens your connection to your intuition and gives you little exercises to help. I haven't read it but it might be worth looking into if you are interested in strengthing your intuition.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* flickering pictures that run by so fast I can't catch them. I never really pay attention to them.
Maybe I should be saying I don't BOTHER to catch them. I find claircognitive faster and I am impatient. lol!
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
@ starfish
I've never really given much thought to these intuitive feelings, never forgotten how I've felt or what I've felt but not looked further into it...til now. Now's the time I think I want to understand a little more & be prepared for the next time.
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I popped down to the local library and ordered a couple of the books. Couldn't get the Trust your Vibes by Sonia Choquette but ordered another from the same author.
I did find Journey of the souls but LS that delves into reincarnation and after life etc...I'm not sure of this topic def not comfortable with all that as I have had a religious upbringing which contradicts it. I guess that is why I haven't personally persued these senses...
I do have and allow my mind to be open to most theories but dont believe in reincarnation or the afterlife. I believe that when someone dies the body goes back to dust where it came from and the soul sleeps on til the resurrection..
hello sparrow and all,
i have been experiencing strange feelings of intuition for about 2-3 years. during this time i had met someone who i knew was going to have a great impact on my life. we were good friends for a while, but eventually our relationship became very strained because we were both scared of love, and even more so, falling in love with each other. because of the strain and distance, i had decided to cut off all ties. although we are no longer in contact i often get pangs of intuition through numbers (i.e. 11:11, 10:10, 12:12, 1:11... etc). he still is in contact with a good friend of mine and i've found that days before he would contact her to inquire about me, i would know it. this feeling would ALWAYS be reinforced by seeing repeating numbers, such as the ones above.
what's even weirder is that the day i told myself that i was going to move on, i had went out with my girlfriends, and the first guy i had ended up making out with at the end of the night happened to have the same birthday (month, day, AND year) as him. it was like a reminder not to forget him. weird, huh?
now, which "clair-" do you think this would be? claircognitive?
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
Old thread, but I'll jump on board. I tend to think I have something, what it is I don't know. Sometimes I just have a feeling I should say/do something. On Friday I went out with friends and before hand I felt like I should not go out. But I got the text and went, ultimately it was a decent night, but I got into an argument with a buddy of mine. We worked it out, I apologized because I was wrong, but had I went with my gut I could have avoided the entire issue.
As far as empaths go, I think that is a Libra trait for sure. If my boss is in a bad mood, suddenly I am as well. It's not like he takes his mood out on me, but I can tell he's just not happy. In turn, if someone is super excited about something (even if it's something I could care or less about) I get super excited. I tend not to like being this way though just because I feel like I lose my identity a bit. Definitely going to check out that book though!
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
It's a protection thing for us. We're people pleasers and you can't do that if you can't figure out what someone's mood is. For me, I generally know when someone is upset regardless of how they look or present themselves. I won't call them out on it, but I'll attempt to lighten the mood and just listen. One thing I have learned is people always want to talk and most of the time you just need to let them get to where they are ready to. I give one simple "poke" and let you lead the way. Most people, at this point, realize if I ask how you're doing it's because I actually want to know and not because I'm waiting for my turn to talk.
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I'm still around...and yes I have read.
And it didn't prepare me for another, I experience several more after that and death is never easy...
The intuition thing..I still haven't got a handle on, analysing my every feeling, life fires ahead and I'm just not observant enough.