So, at the top of December I exchanged numbers with this Libra guy, he initiated contact and asked for my number. Everything was normal and going along smoothly i.e we were talking daily, but not much enthusiasm on his part which was very confusing because he asked for my number. I went to middle school with him (we're in college now)and back then he was well mannered and the good guy type so I hung in there, plus this only lasted a few days. Even though I was interested I did not initiate any contact or come off as eager or overly excited. In other words I played it cool. He later asked about any guys in my life and I honestly told him about a guy that I was currently talking to. A few days went on regularly, but soon after he just vanished. I waited about 3 days to contact him and when I did, he said he had a new phone (which is true) but I'm pretty certain his contacts were switched too, BUT anyways he seemed excited that I contacted him and did a almost 360 by texting constantly if possible, face timing, and wanting to see me. From there we met up and hung out for a few. While hanging out, I got the vibe that he was constantly trying to read which made me uncomfortable and I made the comment "oh, did you say that you were ready to go?" when he said something that wasn't clear to me. He then said his goodbyes in a hasty fashion and left. I sent a quick text 2 days after and he responded, but in a dry manner. I have yet to hear from him since. Did he lose interest? Never had it? Or is he waiting on me?
Uh?! I thought all guys liked a little competition, Libras are so complicated!
Don't start your life with a Libra , my dear .. I am more older than you and I wish you be happy... A Libra can meke your life sad, full of stress when they disappearing,wasting time, years ... Do not make complex your life, just live and move on ! If he lost interest in you, is only his lose, not yours ! He is a losser from his nature and they do nothing , not any effort to keep you, they lose interest easy and "fly" to the next "flower" , then to the next and so on... Good luck and take care !
Appreciate you Jessy801 and Tizani!