the truth about libra and its running away. .

This topic was created in the Libra forum by libra08 on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and has 28 replies.
just wanted to share how i fell whenever i run away from someone. ( and how different a libra and the sag running away Tongue )
I am guilty of running away from a "chance" of having a wonderful relationship. Chance - - that word scares me. When i see someone i like and get the nerve to open up a door for him to enter in my life thats big. That one step inside my soul meant a lot. But from that one step and all the succeding step i see it and keep it in my mind. When i love someone i give everything... really everything i dont fucking care what other women would say you should save some for yourself - - Im in love, im blind and i love it. That feeling that your soul is up there happy with that one person, his smile, his laugh, the stupidest shit he does that would irritate me. I love it.
I am fucking faithful its like everyone's faces is a blur when your infront of me. I'm possessive because i want you. only you. I love too much that when you hurt you hurt me once i still stay, if someone threatens to take you away i fight for my spot. My heart is in constant battle, my mind is always coming up a strategy. my libra soul is there ready to trample that gets in the way.
The thing is i have a weakness. I keep forgetting im also human. I forget that even i still want to fight for you my heart gets weak, my mind shuts down and my spirit is in need of care. When my love of the moment would get easily comfortable that i would never leave whatever he does, because he knew how much i did want him, thats when it all gets fucked up.The pain i endured would suddenly explode and how can you deal with those shit when your heart, mind and soul is tired.
That's the thing i deal with it. on my own way, and that is recovering all by myself.
I need to go away to bring back all i lost. I need my energy back, because i still want to be with you.
But then what if you made me feel there's nothing to go back to?
have you ever made me feel you still want me even if i disappeared?
I want you but i cant be with you. Im still recovering.
Can you fight for me as much as i did?
Can you accept my weakness as much as i accepted yours?
can you love me as much as i loved you?
chance - - this scares me. a chance of having a wonderful relationship also meant a chance of a potential heartbreak.
Im tired of having heartbreaks, i guess i really have to let go and run away.
I may not be around you anymore but i left my heart with you. its weak but its still be
Im tired of having heartbreaks, i guess i really have to let go and run away.
I may not be around you anymore but i left my heart with you. its weak but its still beating, it beats for you.
i know you still love me, i know you do because you know how much i loved you.
That is beautiful! And explains just the question I posted in the Astrology forum today! Thank you for that! smile
Now I know my Libra is recovering from the pain I caused him. Which I knew I did, but did not realize to what extent. I know there is nothing for him to come back too. And that is fine. Knowing that my actions made him "go through" that opened my eyes! smile Thanks!
ALRIGHT NOW LIBRA08! Enough telling the Libra secretes. Drop it someones inbox or something. Lol. We don??t wan the boneheads out there to figure us out, only the sincere people. But reading this is scary. I think I might print it up and show it to my aries. He's so upfront and direct and can see straight through everyone else, but sometimes I think I really confuse him with my push pull attitude. I do it for the same reasons you names above. Afraid that things MIGHT be okay or THEY MIGHT not. This is what scares a libra the most in love. The chance that someone might throw us off our perfect equilibrium and balance. No way! We rather run an weigh all the pro's and cons first. Trouble is, by the time we sort everything out an make a decision everyone is old and gray using
Posted by subtletouch
That post was really sincere and heartfelt... A Libras love must be a beautiful thing.

It is; however, most do not understand it and are afraid of it. Or they realize after they have left and the door is closed just what they really had. It is hard to trust enough after having gone through all that she described. Sometimes I would like to be Aries..they deal with emotions and feelings better. Different.
Posted by MzDiana
Posted by subtletouch
That post was really sincere and heartfelt... A Libras love must be a beautiful thing.

It is; however, most do not understand it and are afraid of it. Or they realize after they have left and the door is closed just what they really had. It is hard to trust enough after having gone through all that she described. Sometimes I would like to be Aries..they deal with emotions and feelings better. Different.
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I agree with MzDiana-you don't realize the true heartfelt potential of their love/like until they are gone and that door has really slammed hard in your face. Sad..but true.
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....
Posted by CapSoul
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....

lmao why would u say that?
it was. all my loves were all memorable and meaningful. thats the thing we may like everyone but we only love a few. Once we love you you would think we're not really sincere. . .you know why? . . . because some of the people you met in the past never treated you as good as we did.We treat you like that because that's how we want to be treated also.
i have this belief if i knew i did everything i could and it still didnt work out i wont regret it because i knew i did everything already then it meant it wasnt my fault it didnt work out.
the sadness in an ex's eyes though every time we meet again accidentally after a long time of no communication that kills me. I dont feel happy when i see an ex again and saw he wasnt as happy as he was when we together but theres nothing i can do to help him because i already i moved on and maybe happy with someone else.
Posted by libra08
it was. all my loves were all memorable and meaningful. thats the thing we may like everyone but we only love a few. Once we love you you would think we're not really sincere. . .you know why? . . . because some of the people you met in the past never treated you as good as we did.We treat you like that because that's how we want to be treated also.
i have this belief if i knew i did everything i could and it still didnt work out i wont regret it because i knew i did everything already then it meant it wasnt my fault it didnt work out.
the sadness in an ex's eyes though every time we meet again accidentally after a long time of no communication that kills me. I dont feel happy when i see an ex again and saw he wasnt as happy as he was when we together but theres nothing i can do to help him because i already i moved on and maybe happy with someone else.

So what did this ex do to you for you to just up and leave???
If you don't mind me asking.
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....

lmao why would u say that?
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It beautiful because when a libra loves you ...they love you.

Depressing when they jump ship without warning.

Its a pretty fucked up way to go about things....but such as lifesmile
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by libra08
it was. all my loves were all memorable and meaningful. thats the thing we may like everyone but we only love a few. Once we love you you would think we're not really sincere. . .you know why? . . . because some of the people you met in the past never treated you as good as we did.We treat you like that because that's how we want to be treated also.
i have this belief if i knew i did everything i could and it still didnt work out i wont regret it because i knew i did everything already then it meant it wasnt my fault it didnt work out.
the sadness in an ex's eyes though every time we meet again accidentally after a long time of no communication that kills me. I dont feel happy when i see an ex again and saw he wasnt as happy as he was when we together but theres nothing i can do to help him because i already i moved on and maybe happy with someone else.

So what did this ex do to you for you to just up and leave???
If you don't mind me asking.
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well his wandering eye i can take but its every lie whenever i catch him having semi serious relationships with other girls. Im hurt his interested with them when i was there for him but i know they wouldnt stay with him as long as i did because i know even if i left him no one can love him as much as i did. He also knew that and kept ssying until now that he wants me to come back. My heart wants to but its also saying its near dying state.
Posted by libra08
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by libra08
it was. all my loves were all memorable and meaningful. thats the thing we may like everyone but we only love a few. Once we love you you would think we're not really sincere. . .you know why? . . . because some of the people you met in the past never treated you as good as we did.We treat you like that because that's how we want to be treated also.
i have this belief if i knew i did everything i could and it still didnt work out i wont regret it because i knew i did everything already then it meant it wasnt my fault it didnt work out.
the sadness in an ex's eyes though every time we meet again accidentally after a long time of no communication that kills me. I dont feel happy when i see an ex again and saw he wasnt as happy as he was when we together but theres nothing i can do to help him because i already i moved on and maybe happy with someone else.

So what did this ex do to you for you to just up and leave???
If you don't mind me asking.

well his wandering eye i can take but its every lie whenever i catch him having semi serious relationships with other girls. Im hurt his interested with them when i was there for him but i know they wouldnt stay with him as long as i did because i know even if i left him no one can love him as much as i did. He also knew that and kept ssying until now that he wants me to come back. My heart wants to but its also saying its near dying state.
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I deserve better.
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....

lmao why would u say that?

It beautiful because when a libra loves you ...they love you.

Depressing when they jump ship without warning.

Its a pretty fucked up way to go about things....but such as lifesmile
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yea that sux lol. of all the men i know the taurus and saggi were always faithful and wanting to be in a long relationship. leo too but i'm not too sure about his faithfulness throughout the whole relationship.
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....

lmao why would u say that?

It beautiful because when a libra loves you ...they love you.

Depressing when they jump ship without warning.

Its a pretty fucked up way to go about things....but such as lifesmile

yea that sux lol. of all the men i know the taurus and saggi were always faithful and wanting to be in a long relationship. leo too but i'm not too sure about his faithfulness throughout the whole relationship.
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I am a Saggi and I confirm we are the most faithful and loyal in relationships. We will never cheat or stray! smile Its a great assest to have. But when our partners stray it is another story! Our fire comes out with a vengence! Leo's I believe can be faithful as well, once they narrow down who they want to be with. Until then they are out there fluffing their manes!
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by LeoGoodyz
Posted by CapSoul
Beautiful but depressing at the same time....

lmao why would u say that?

It beautiful because when a libra loves you ...they love you.

Depressing when they jump ship without warning.

Its a pretty fucked up way to go about things....but such as lifesmile

yea that sux lol. of all the men i know the taurus and saggi were always faithful and wanting to be in a long relationship. leo too but i'm not too sure about his faithfulness throughout the whole relationship.

I am a Saggi and I confirm we are the most faithful and loyal in relationships. We will never cheat or stray! smile Its a great assest to have. But when our partners stray it is another story! Our fire comes out with a vengence! Leo's I believe can be faithful as well, once they narrow down who they want to be with. Until then they are out there fluffing their manes!
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lol i like that last sentence. very well said.
Libra08, I just read this. I'm an Aquarius male and my libra girl pulled away on me out of the blue. Things were going so well, we exchanged all the I love you's. And now it makes total sense. She is tired and stressed from overwork. Her spirit was weakened. Her heart softened. She pulled away bc it was so wonderful, she feared a devasting heartbreak down the road. A chance at a beautiful relationship. A chance for a devastating heartbreak. I see it now. What can I do to pull her back.
Doesn't matter of it's old. I like digging up old threads. smile i wonder if OP has Venus in Scorpio..?
It's interesting when someone necro's an old thread. I've been posting here for a few years now. I like reading some of the discussions again. I miss several of the old posters and wish posts didn't disappear when a user deletes.
I also like to see threads where I posted years ago and see how my thoughts and feelings now compare with then.
A lot of this makes sense. I feel very similar, though I feel like my love can be obsessive if I don't keep myself in check. Thanks for this.
The OP is nuts man, she just needs to judge her partner and not play games. I get that she is protecting herself but just use good judgement and stop leading people on a emotional roller coaster ride.
Posted by Shruikan
A lot of this makes sense. I feel very similar, though I feel like my love can be obsessive if I don't keep myself in check. Thanks for this.

This is happening to me right now over a Leo man (the obsessive part)!
p.s, I am not a teenager, I have a job and healthy social life so there's plenty going on. I just feel this animalistic pull, its amazing smile
I'll give you 10 days before you get bored of him.
Its been 7 weeks, hell yeah baybeeee!
You're 32.
Fucks sake. Are you at least a hot 32?
Damn right smile
i try to analyse myself all the time and you are so bang on the money here!
haha omg old times good times.... All is good now. Shout out to all the libra and non libras who i have taked to during the time the old longest dxp thread was alive... (Longest .... Longest debate thread hahaha)