This Asshole Libra Guy

This topic was created in the Libra forum by MeowCancerian007 on Saturday, March 9, 2013 and has 3 replies.
Hi everyone
This is my first post here
.......... before i never used to believe in star signs until now
This Libra guy is so confusing .. the only way i've started to figure him out is by knowing his star sign
Im a typical emotional cancerian ... who just wants constant, love, affection and cuddles
He constantly feeds me mixed signals... which doesnt work with me because being a typical cancerian
I crave security
We used to talk on the phone all day and every day ... We've been on a few dates to the movies...
He's slightly religious and is hesitant about dating I feel
and when he goes out with me ... He's always teasing me about how I'm an exception for him and his beliefs
and says that on the phone too "I dont talk on the phone for this long with just anyone..."
This was all good ... until I came across one his girl friends
and I think ive gotten him used to being around confident and loud girls like me
and now hes always so occupied with these new girls

WHAT HAPPENED TO "US" ... and our friendship or what i thought was slowly but surely progressing into something more meaningful
How could i have been so wrong? He was so touchy and feely on our dates
but other times VERY reserved

I have been so patient with this guy. I've confronted him. asked him whats going on.
he said hes not sure? and doesnt know what hes feeling
If he wanted to leave me to it... he could of done
but he hasnt
the amount of times ive let my emotions get the better of me... and i absolutely poured my heart out to him lol
I literally wear my heart on my sleeve with this guy
what should i do? wait around? when hes clearly having fun with a bunch of other girls
But yet when i tell him this ... he has this way of making me feel like "I am the only one" and he makes me stay
When i know the fact that im the only one is not true...
Being the typical Libra... hes a massive flirt.
Flirts with every girl and i dont know how i feel about him being so preoccupied with these new girls

How should i proceed with him? Should I even bother?
How can i communicate how I feel better with him?
I cant ignore people either. This is proving to be very difficult.
So I'm not really allowing him any time to miss me.

Posted by CluelessCancer
why are you putting everything into him and not yourself? Take care of #1.
Obviously you created this monster, now he is more confident and secure (believe me I had my own ken doll, dressed him up, now he can't get enough of the attention women pay him)...
Anyways pull away, have your own life, let him CHASE you, LET him tell you his FEELINGs, let him lead the relationship...
I didn't do that, i pushed and pushed, now I have lost my VIRGO...
LIBRA? Really???
Put me in a COMA ALREADY...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

Oh gosh. You're damn right
But I'm just so impatient
A girl like me needs to know where she is standing
How did you push? what did you do exactly lol?

hahaha why whats wrong with Libras Scared
Posted by Theultra79
Pretty much everything clueless said minus the libras put me in a coma thing. Ugh
But, yea. You're gonna have to figure out how to not put pressure on him. Libras don't respond well to being pushed into a corner. Men in general don't either. We tend to freeze up and//or try try to break free. If you've already stated your case, that's good enough. If he's not providing you with the security you need, gather your strength, and walk. If he wants you, he'll do what it takes to keep you. If not, well then, there's your answer.

Wow ... thanks a lot
I have done that ... It was during Christmas I left him to it because i grew tired of his ways
And he came back stronger and harder
What confuses me is that he knows what i want ... but hes hesitant in committing
and keeps saying he's unsure of how he feels about me
Maybe I should wait it out and friend zone him ahah .. cuz thats all i think i can do to cope
The one thing i hate the most about Libra men... is that once ur hooked ... theres no going back lol