Trollish Behavior.....tisk tisk

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Thursday, May 4, 2006 and has 24 replies.
On behalf of all the natives of the Libra Forum, could you please refrain from posting bashing statements? We really don't care for them.
I look at it like this:
If I go to someone's home, I'm not going to sit and complain about the furniture, or tisk-tisk about what my host is wearing or what color the house is painted or make remarks about her personality, etc.
It's really kind of impolite (F*cked up, if you will) for people to go to forums of other groups and post stupid criticisms and make sweeping generalizations about them. The Aqua forum gets a fair share of these types of posts as well.
Loudlibra had a very good reply to a Lesser Being, who's name I will not mention, that posted something a few days ago.
Really, that sort of behaviour is in such poor taste.
Pan Bailando:
*shakes head*
New kind of dance you are using to attract us with?
We will have to let Harold pay you a visit.....heheheheheh
Where's Bling?
I feel like I missed something. Hopefully no one was giving our dear loudlibra any trouble. It is nice having a new addition.
And yes ... where is Bling these days?
I haven't had my little-spladge ass pat lately.
Message posted by: LiBrat on 5/4/2006 9:16:50 AM ip:
On behalf of all the natives of the Libra Forum, could you please refrain from posting bashing statements?

Loudlibra had a very good reply to a Lesser Being, who's name I will not mention, that posted something a few days ago.
Did I can't remember, always having to hold the moral highground on this thing. Fun though. Thank you LB
Where's Bling?
Is this what he looks like. Holy Mother.......
I think Bling secretly aspires to look like Harold.
I like Harold.
He just lets it all hang out.
I feel like I missed something. Hopefully no one was giving our dear loudlibra any trouble. It is nice having a new addition.
Jings girls you don't know the half of it. Had a couple of real nutters to deal with last night, virgo me thinks. I don't think they know I'm Scottish and Librian. Do or die.........Tee hee.
There are a few about.
You just have to feel pitty for them as they don't realize how transparent they are.
But! BUT there are quite a few pleasant folks around as well. Present company, bling, bread, elliot, gem*two, laz, dy, come to mind.
I really wish we had a block user on this site, but alas, we do not. A girl can dream!
In the meantime, just leave the children to their sandbox. Winking
Trollish Behavior.....tisk tisk yet your name is LiBrat. The irony in this
Wow, coming from a Virgo..... Tongue
What do you not believe that we Virgo can make jokes?
psssttt ... she is joking back with you. Winking
Message posted by: little_sparrow on 5/4/2006 11:11:12 AM ip:
psssttt ... she is joking back with you.
Lol I'll pretend not to notice Winking
Oh sorry LS thought you meant
In the spirit of this post, I actually have gone ahead and requested a block user option.
*** Littlespadge....You've got your own Lion-o to tap that ass now....
kicks at gravel and mutters under breath
Now who am I going to practice bondbabe poses with?
Virgo101 is a keeper....
she's like a female Branh....
Limited use of smileys and ! ? make you sound sooo dry,101 (in relation to humour,of course)
Is your voice monotonous in real life too???
No, I am not like Branh....
And Bling, just for a thought, I am never dry Winking Winking Winking
My voice changes dependingo on the situation. Winking
Alas ... we lack the power to ship you off to a Siberian labour camp. Would if we could though!
*** No, I am not like Branh....
Thank doG!