V-L...L-V...The Verdict???

This topic was created in the Libra forum by VirgoC on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 26 replies.
I have been dating this Libra girl for about a month now, and so far it's great! We are both very expressive and touchy - feely, and ideologically compatible on the 'big issues' (faithfulness, marriage, children, work/life balance, independence, etc.).
The one (not major) niggle I have is that she is a lot more passive than me, with respect to defending her views with other people, standing up for herself and so on. She will do everything to avoid conflict, and I am not like that. Ok, this is no dealbreaker of course, but *ideally* I would like someone who is more dynamic or aggresive...
So come on all you Libras, share your thoughts on the theoretical Virgo man-Libra woman union...I want the good, the bad and the ugly smile
Thanks in advance!
My two longest most serious relationships were with Virgo men.
It can be a great combo. Very soothing.
Virgos are just more aggressive than Libras. Libras HATE confrontation, peace and harmony is their thing.... smile
**** My two longest most serious relationships were with Virgo men.
Did you experienced a certain level of unexplainable frustration???
thelibran: "Did you experienced a certain level of unexplainable frustration?"
Oh do tell Winking
Were not quite passiveness, we just pick our fights. It may seem a bit messed up to other people, but a lot of times the people or idea we are fighting seems a bit below us in the moment, or just is. We won't really go for the jugular fighting a lesser ideological or physical opponent, were just not interrested in "standing up" so to speak for something that wouldn't stand on it's own anyway.
Now if you do experience a Libra who seems eager for a confrontation.....RUN!!!!! far and fast.
Were also not "attackers" were "counter attackers"...go first, we dare you.
I guess what I am trying to say is..... while your thinking she is not being aggressive enough, she might be thinking your being to reactionary to things that aren't all that important when it comes down too it.
We don't like confrontation, we keep our mouth shut until theres no avoiding it and most people think were being passive or weak until they finally get a reaction....then they usually keep their mouths shut.
For what it's worth..... the Virgo girl I dated became a source of irritation just based on her constant arguing and worrying and fighting the small stuff. I told her to just let the small problems be small problems. She was overly sensitive about stuff. She also had no reservations about my ability to step up to the plate if it was necessary.
* Did you experienced a certain level of unexplainable frustration???
Not really but both had a lot of fire in their charts. One was on the Leo cusp. The other had a Sag moon. Lots of fire works well for me as I am mainly air and fire. Lots of water does not seem to work for me at all as I am learning.
Oh I am not passive at all. I just pick my fights. I will stand up when I see an injustice in ways you couldn't possibly imagine. I don't care who you are. I am a big defender of the underdog. I just figure a lot of it is lost cause. I am not going to argue with people who lack fluidity of thought and have completely bought into a mindset. What is the point? Frustration for the sake of stupidity? Pointless! But when it counts, you definitely want me on your side.
The main problem I had with my Virgo-Virgo ex were his friends actually. They are not good people. Some were but a lot of them were just morally terrible people. To be fair, not entirely their fault. When you grow up in an embassy etc., you just loose the ability to grasp reality fully.
The Virgo before that we just grew apart. After being together for five years and living together, I wanted to try a new life. So I broke up with him and did.
Both are REALLY great people. The Virgo I use to live with now lives with one of my friends. I highly recommended him to her. They have been together for 3 1/2 yrs I believe.
The other Virgo-Virgo is still one of my best friends. Unfortunately there is so much water under the bridge that I can't completely forgive him for everything that has happened, so there is no way our relationship would ever work out, but I do want his happiness and I do love him. In fact, although we have been broken up for almost two years now, when he fell down the stairs and hurt his back, unable to move a few weeks ago, it was me who came to stay with him for a week and looked after him.
Libras, when we love you, are loyal to till the end.
* the Virgo girl I dated became a source of irritation just based on her constant arguing and worrying and fighting the small stuff.
From my experience, Virgo girls are like this, the men not so much. They tend to be a bit more laid back. Virgo girls? Forget it!
I also find Virgos in general suffer with commitment issues. Very few Virgos I know have long relationships if they date at all. (Just an observation from my own life. YMMV.)
I would agree with that!
LOL...Little Sparrow only has eyes for One Fire Sign at the moment by the looks of it Tongue
Things are still very slow with my Leo/Libra r/ship but he's not going anywhere - guess that's a good thing....5 months yesterday - OMG I've done this for THAT long LOL....what the heck is wrong with me? what was I thinking? Still detesting those inbetween times but we've been through a bit over the past few weeks and still we haven't parted ways - must be something worth hanging onto afterall *sigh* I know he loves me but he's not in love with me - guess I can't have it all.
Be gentle with her pleeeeeeease!!! the virgos are charming at first then they TURN!!!---for the extreme worst j/k, But anything can work you just have to make it, and i think that its a good thing for you as the virgo male to be getting an understanding of you and your libras personality/ego differences,b/c unless there are other factors in her chart,your libra may be quite sensitive to your critiques and not too understanding of your passions.. but knowing each others charts would be more helpful in evaluating, i can only give you points from my experiences...none of whih have been good except the relationship i have with my dad. Virgos seem to be strongly attracted to me, and i have a knack for picking them out of a crowd, but their nit picking and flaw finding is eventually a turn off i don''t like arguing especially over trivials,but virgos seem to know how to bring out the bit# $ in me.
i think this combo is better when the virgo is a female and the libra a male
****i think this combo is better when the virgo is a female and the libra a male
u mean bringing out the b!t $ h???
I stay away from virgo after 2 experience. Now its like If i am asked to make a choice btween a virgo girl and death, i will happily take death.
HaHa! Yup, that pretty much sums up my experience with the virgo male. And they know they're crazy
Hahahahaha I like your choice of death over a Virgo female the libran smile
First off, a huge SORRY to all of you lovely people for neglecting the post I originally started! I do not frequent DXPnet as often as I would like (due to this horrible affliction called work, and the fact that I do not have an internet connection at home), so please be understanding e? I was pleasantly surprised to find that all you people rose to the challenge and really injected some momentum to this post, well done and thanks!
Where do I start...so many answers smile Ok, I will start by saying that I do not have the negative (and very common, from my experiences too) Virgo traits of over-analysing things, finding fault and being over-critical with everyone and everything, being a boring killjoy and generally being anal. To give you some perspective, I used to be a lot like that and then I grew up and matured into a better person. So it can happen, but you need the IQ to see what's wrong in the first place, so you can fix it.
I would never criticise her (especially in public) unless she asked for my opinion, in which case I would give it straight as a good friend/bf should. I don,t mince my words or put a glossy cover on things, realism and perceptiveness with respect to people and situations are my fortes Winking I am more cynical and less gullible than her, so in this sense we make a great duo. We are equally matched as far as sociability is concerned, and both have our own extensive circle of friends. This is very important to us both!
I used the terms 'dynamic' and 'aggresive'...it's not that she is a pushover in any sense of the word, just that I was spoiled by a Scorpio ex who was a lot more 'direct' hehe. True though, that Scorpio could be too direct on ocassion, and too rude with people. I am never rude intentionally, unless I am pushed, in which case I can retaliate very eloquently hehe.
Also coming under 'directness' are public displays of affection. Again, there are cultural forces at play here (she is British and I am Greek), so the sings do not tell the whole truth. I am a lot more touchy feely in poublic than she is (we have no problem behind closed doors), but I can see that she is just hesitant for now (early days) and that she has a lot of potential Winking
What I really like? The we see eye to eye on the major issues, such as fidelity, work/life balance, being family and children-oriented, etc...
Take care all smile
Sorry about the typos...I belong to the Selby Jr School of 'Typewriter Prose', meaning I think/write first and spellcheck later (if at all...).
I will start by saying that I do not have the negative (and very common, from my experiences too) Virgo traits of over-analysing things, finding fault and being over-critical with everyone and everything, being a boring killjoy and generally being anal."""
Hmmm. Perhaps this may work out...You do stand a chance!!!
Thanks lovely smile Back from lunch and feeling bloated...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Now you being a virgo man and she being a libra girl, u stand a chance to get laid for a while. Dont think. just be yourself. Its a Virgo female which give issues. goodluck
well the point is not just to get laid, but for something more long-term Winking
You know my ex now regrets this as he always saw my kindness and compassion and tolerance as weakness. He always wanted me to boss him around more, which I refused to do. He always thought I was too passive. He has since learned what the iron fist in the velvet glove means.
NOW, he understands what strength really is. NOW, he understands what loyalty is. NOW, he understands what compassion really is.
He just figured it all out too late.
Also we aren't really direct unless we are pissed off. I think we say what we want but because we have such a dreamy airy quality about us people don't listen and HEAR what we are saying. She is probably saying things in a direct manner but you aren't hearing it.
She won't have public displays of affection with you unless she is very committed and/or very proud to be seen with you. For me, I don't like being marked unless I am marked.
Thanks little sparrow smile
If your Virgo ex always wanted you to boss him around he may have been missing his mommy, who knows! I don't like to boss or be bossed around, and am always skeptical of peaople like that...hmmm

You could not have said it better...'iron fist in velvet glove' Caramba! That's the essence, that's it! I agree, and I try to be like that too. Overly macho/loud/vulgar people make me laugh, because as you said the real strength lies elsewhere...
Too late for him, the time has passed and he is the fool for losing you! I will also comment on your words on PDAs. The first day we went out she was loathe to take my hand, let me put my arm around her, hug me in public. Emphasis on the word 'day'. The same night when we went out (pub and then a very nice restaurant), she had no such qualms and we were all over each other! It has been like that ever since, and just to give you some perspective, we met 'on the phone' through a common friend, and last weekend was the first time we actually met in person smile So you could say that ours is not such a conventional relationship haha
Yes, I am very proud to have her on my side, and I believe she is too. She also knows how serious and commited I am, and that she can open up to me about personal matters (which not even close friends are privy to) without fear of being betrayed.
So all the above, read in the context of your previous posts, give me much reason to be satisfied and have a huge grin on my face smile
Thanks again XXX

I just noticed that the three smileys in my post are almost all on a straight line...spooky or what? I better buy some scratchcards or play Lotto today hahaha