Signed Up: May 17, 2016 Comments: 0 · Posts: 239 · Topics: 23
I've been felling a bit angsty and insecure this past couple of weeks. Does anyone know what Venus going direct and Jupiter in Sag will bring for the Leebs?
I used to be quite dominant in the bedroom with guys.
Ordering them around, telling them what to do. Sitting down on their faces, grabbing them etc.
But as I'm growing up, and strangely be coming more powerful in my non sexual life, I've found myself be
They can come off kinda rude & egotistical. Once you give them their "just dues", in other words coming up with an original compliment, they turn into shy school girls & open right up.
What should I google if I want more information on when my moon matches their sun (compatibility) If anyone has links or information, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks
I love Capricorns. We argue but they always stand their ground and we can usually make each other crack up. Is this a common Libra thing, to adore Capricorns. My sister who kind of raised me is a Capricorn so I'm not sure if iove them because of her Inuen
I recently got to know this Virgo man online from a game few months ago. We texted everyday, and around halfway through I realised I have some feelings for him, but waved it off as we hadn’t know each other for long and haven’t even met yet. I’m also not
Easy exercise... hood exercise plan is twerk'n. And, ya girl gotta stay straight... Need to increase my booty shake play list.
My Capricorn nephew's favorite song at age 3, lol. He'd bug out when this song came on.
Bubba Sparks (feat. Ying Yang Twins)