We're not dating but we've been seeing each other for almost 2 years and I've asked if he wanted relations but he says he's not ready. So I was at his place last night and we had a good time I think but my temptations took over and I ended up going through his phone and when I was leaving he was being really sweet. Sweeter than usual he kissed me like 100 times, seriously. He even asked if I wanted to stay longer. And by the time I got downstairs he msgd me saying" you went through my phone" but I didn't respond then he msgd me saying " that's not cool" ..
I haven't responded because I don't know exactly what to say I know he's pretty upset I went through his phone and I don't know what to expect from him because that's the worst thing I could of ever done..
I want to apologize but I'm scared that he will completely flip and never talk to me again and things between us will definitely be really bad because he's probably not gonna trust me now.
I guess I'm looking for a suggestion on how I could get back in his good side, if that's even possible.
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Jun 29, 2015Comments: 7 · Posts: 133 · Topics: 11
I really hope he doesn't accept your apology. You're unable to control yourself, and invading someone's privacy as a result of that is not cool nor excusable.
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Mar 23, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 148 · Topics: 18
Why did you go through his phone? What did you find?
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Don't make this a long drawn out mess. Just apologize and promise it will never happen again. Don't expect things to go back to normal, it'll take time.
Also if you want to be in a real relationship maybe that's something you have to explore on your own. It's important you not place yourself in a dishonest position, for example being his bootycall friends with benefits side chick when really you want a fulfilling committed relationship or being his friend when you secretly crushing and falling in love and hoping for more. It's nothing wrong with wanting what you want but don't settle and it seems you might be settling which is causing you feel all these icky unsure feelings.
If you're not in a real relationship with him then there is a 99.999% chance you are not the only woman he's sleeping with/spending time with, no need to snoop when you're being honest with yourself about the situation you're currently in with him.
Well I finally built up enough courage to apologize to him and he said " I really don't care" but when I called him he wasn't upset at all which is questionable because most people would be. He was even telling me what I went through. And was saying, " you won't even let me touch your phone but you went through mine".. Is it normal for Libras to be this calm about something like this? Or is it because he doesn't care about me or what I think ? He even told me to text him after we got off the phone..
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Feb 16, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 6172 · Topics: 7
Why on earth are you asking these questions? He isn't as into you as you are into him. Full stop. Maybe he was hoping you'd find all the other women he's dating/sleeping with, and realize what kind of relationship you guys are really in. He may be upset, he may not be. Either way, you're acting like he's your bf even though you say he's not. It wasn't cool to snoop, but what does it matter in the end if you did? If you want a real relationship, he's not the one and you're wasting your time.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Well did you find anything suspicious on his phone? Was it worth the snoop?