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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
What do Libra women like about Virgo men? Although I am anticipating the answer "not much" I would like to know if you have some positive things to say about us. Say the negative things as well if you want (preferably in the spirit of constructive criticism) but please say the positive things first!
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
NOTHING MATE....Libras want mind stimulation, dirty talks and spanks in bum. Its too much work for Virgos lol
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
Okay if you need help to seduce her or wants get close to your girl then here it goes :
You need to know she loves luxuries of life. She takes pleasure through communication and sharing of ideas but she will be indecisive so help her out and don't push her . Open her senses with roses, candles, wine and good food, nice bed sheet (But if you can turn her mind on then you 'd be having sex with her in a dirty alley way, she dont care). It should be perfect if you do it the same as shown in the movie 9 1/2 weeks. In between the communication surprise her with a pair of designer shoes then you will see how mad she 'll get on you in a good way. Boy you gona be busy whole night then and she will be all yours. You need to know she is a big flirt but as long as you provide her freedom, attention and good sex then you wont be disappointed in life with her.
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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Hmm, ok as friends, but the Virgo man is just not on the same wavelength. He cant keep up with the mental acrobatics of the Libra girl, and (no offence) i was with one for 7 years, and he turned out to be the most spineless, boring, middle-class wannabe ever..I am so turned off by Virgos forever because of him. That?? so bad I know, but im possibly scarred!! On a more general level, Libras need ooomph, Virgos don't!!
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
I like that they are helpful, genuine and very considerate.
Negative? That they tend to think negative and the duration of it is far longer than a typical Libra's.. Libras tend to think neutral, if not positive. I think too much positivity can be manipulative too (I've seen that used before).
Virgos also enjoy being the victim alot of the time.
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Sep 01, 2011Comments: 37 · Posts: 496 · Topics: 28
Ive been with a Virgo for 20+ yrs. so something must be working right, they are loyal for sure. I just wish there was a little more sexual energy, Ive driven that point home till I'm blue in the face with her but Virgos in general may have too little sexual fire and imagination for spunky Libra.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
Do you dislike our shyness? Are you impatient with it?
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Sep 01, 2011Comments: 37 · Posts: 496 · Topics: 28
Sweet Libra i would like to hear more about Libra Fem /Virgo Male . I know a couple with that aspect and they are always on again /off again /on again. Its crazy but I don't know exatly what the issues are..
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
@SweetLibra: There is no particular Libra that I am interested in at the moment but I keep thinking about two Libras that I liked a few years ago but who were not interested in me although they both had Virgo stelliums. Obviously I still think about them so they must have made quite an impression on me. I don't know really exactly what it was that they didn't like about me but in case I meet anybody like them again I would like to be better prepared!
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
@SweetLibra: As far as the shyness goes actually there is a lot of pent-up feeling there so that occasionally what has happened is that I have overreacted to a polite sign of interest and that has blown things (like, "too much too soon"!) Not sure this has happened with me with a Libra but it did happen with a Scorpio a few years ago that I felt was the love of my life but I got carried away too soon and blew it with her (you have to let the Scorpio determine the pace and parameters of the relationship).
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
Virgos shy? Bull that's just something else to win a woman over. They also claim to be very humble; that's bull too. But I did meet a Sept Virgo that didn't claim to be any of these. He was a blast! Maybe I should stay away from Aug Virgos! Libra's should stick with Aqua or Gems--their best match--mentally, sexually, you name it!
I love how hard working and organized virgo' s are, I love that they are critical as they do it from a place of caring, they are only trying to help, true sometimes it hurts....sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.......that takes a brave approach to put yourself out there......... as long as they are not going overboard ....sometimes it pays to pick your battles....don't kick a dog thats already down so to can be a timing thing I guess......but yes I am a libra and have a lot of friends and family that are virgo' s and they are all very special too me!!! Most of the male virgo's I know have kind of a great slightly sarcastic sense of humour that i find hysterically funny!!!!! I love Virgo's, so anything is possible I guess.... good luck with your libra girl!