What to do with a Libra fellow?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by erniechick on Sunday, May 12, 2013 and has 7 replies.
Greetings all! I??m new to posting on this forum but have been reading posts here for the past few months. You all have a lot of sage advice so I thought I would try my luck here. I??ve recently found myself under the spell of a Libra fellow. Myself? I??m a Leo lady. We started working on the same project together a few months ago which is how we met. We??ve had a few work outings at the bar where we??ve flirted a bit. Over the past month he??s been extra touchy feely with me. He??ll squeeze my elbow when he walks by me or run his hand up and down my arm or back when we??re talking and he always winks at me when he sees me. I haven??t seen him do this with any of the other women we work with. Last weekend he came over to my place for a barbeque. It was just him and another friend of mine who is also working on the same project. We ate, drank and hung out all night. We learned a lot about each other then and I find myself more and more attracted to him because of it. We have the same sense of humor and share a lot of the same values and philosophies on life. He revealed that he??s a bit of geek which I find extremely sexy. When he got up to leave at about 3am I walked him to the door and he gave me a peck on the lips and a really big hug. Work this past week continued on same as usual, the occasional winks, touches and actually a bit more conversation between us. So now I??m completely confused. Am I reading into these things or is he genuinely attracted to me? I??m used to a guy with a bit more of an aggressive approach and when things aren??t going at the pace I want them to, as a Leo, I typically take the reins to get things going. Normally that??s what I would do but since I really do like him I find myself holding back so I don??t scare him off. There??s another big work party this Saturday and we??ll both be there. What should I do? I??m very confused. Libras-I??m looking to you for your guidance.
P.S. We both work in an industry where inter-office romance is common so us being together would not be an unusual thing.
If he's winking , smiling and touching up against you then he's interested in you for sure, just be sure he's not doing that with all the other women because then he may just be over flirty. It's OK to make the first move with most Librs,we can be shy if we REALLY like you !
Make good eye contact with him when you talk, we love that ! .Under normal circumstances Libra Man and Leo Woman are a very good pairing !! some Libra men can be pretty darn complicated though so take your time in feeling him out...but he seems very interested in you so be prepared because it's probably 'game on ' enjoy it !
Ah Libras, so wise....Leo too. But you already knew that. smile Thank you all so much. Will keep with my flirty feminine ways and start doling out some compliments. Compliments aren't easy for me to give so only the sincere ones come out when I do give them. The eye contact has been difficult lately. If I look into his eyes for too long I forget what we were talking about. Not gonna stop me from trying though! Winking I've been trying to be good about the give and take. Responding to his touches and flirts in kind. Will see how things go from now through this weekend at the party and share any updates I may have. Many many thanks!
He didn't show at the party. He disappeared for the weekend and went to visit friends in another city. Which from what I've gathered on most of these threads is pretty true to Libra form. Needless to say I had an excellent time at the party without him and told him so when I saw him Monday morning leaving out the "without him" part as I'm not a monster and have no reason to try to make him feel bad about not going. Just wanted to remind him that I have lots of fun on my own when he's not around. smile We've been back to flirty touchy feely-ness over the week. Even got a whistle from him one day when I walking into work and took my coat off. I've thrown a few compliments his way. Specifically on his taste in wine from a bottle that he gave me and his intelligent insight over a work problem I was having. He blushed at both compliments. The eye contact has also been really strong. I'll catch him looking at me from across the room. He'll wink and I'll smile. Not gonna lie, but have been having a lot of sexual fantasies about him lately. It's driving me absolutely crazy!!! Not sure how much more of this I can take. My libido is starting to overtake my patience. What should I do?
After weeks of touching, flirting and complimenting he finally kissed me. Well....a bit more than kiss. We were both at a party at a friends house which he originally said he wasn't going to go until he heard I was going and then he started asking me what time I would be there. Since I had to work long after he and some of the others were sent home I got to the party really late. It was a hellish week so the hostess made me a lovely cocktail and then took me on a tour of her house. I pretty much kept my distance from my Libra guy most of the night and was just mingling and enjoying the company of other people. Honestly had a fantastic time with some really nice people. I was headed outside for a cigarette when I walked past my Libra guy who had just come in from having a cigarette. He asked where I was going. I told him outside for a smoke. He said he would join me. I told him he didn't have to since he just had one and he said you should never smoke alone. We chatted outside for a bit and when we walked back inside he had his hand on the small of my back. He said he was trying to keep me from falling over. I was drunk but not so drunk that I couldn't stand up and keep my balance. Anyway, we chatted with party guests for another hour or two and all the while he didn't leave my side and kept his hand around my waist. When it got to the point when it was time to leave my Libra guy said he would call me a cab and walked me out. As soon as we got outside he grabbed me and kissed me long and hard. It was one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. We stood on the sidewalk and made-out for a while. It got to a point where I thought he was literally going to tear my clothes off and take me up against a tree. I told him that we should stop and get a cab which we did and went back to his place. Because we were both pretty drunk we didn't do anything more than a viscous makeout session. I did stay the night in his bed. He brought me a glass of water in the morning. I was feeling pretty ok but he said that he was feeling awful. I got dressed to leave and he kissed me a few more times and he had a smile on his face as he watched me walk out the door. Later in the week he told me that he got very sick after I left. We haven't had a chance to really talk at all at work. The few times we've tried we keep getting interrupted by other people so there has been no private time. At the moment I'm not sure what to make of all this. He told me that he's taking a
He told me that he's taking a job in my hometown that could last anywhere from 2 months to a year. To clarify we've both been working on location on a project and he lives in a different country than I do. Why would he tell me something like that? I really do like him but I don't just want to sleep with him. If he really does like me then why hasn't he asked me out? I want to be treated like a lady before I release the lion in the bedroom. Winking Part of me just wants to keep my distance for a while but I don't want him to think that I've lost interest. Libra guys, what's your take on all this?
He likes you, a lot. A hand on the small of your back is a very intimate form of body language. It tells us two things, first he likes you because that isn't an area you would normally place your hand unless you are very comfortable. Two, that you like him, because no woman would let a man place his hand there if she wasn't interested. As I always say, we are a very indecisive group of individuals. If he's like me, I over think everything and if I don't hear from someone for a bit I assume I did something wrong. Have you exchanged numbers? From what you said it doesn't appear you have. Honestly, I think if you are direct and give him your number he'll probably then make the move. I mean he made a point to tell you he took a job in your home town. And no I don't believe he's just after you for sex. You said no, he stopped and didn't push the issue.
On a final note I will say I tend to move very slowly with someone I am interested in. You'll often find this with Libras, but we are worth the wait. Our life is about balance and we are constantly seeking it. We will continually overthink and go back and forth. Comes with the territory and if you do want to date him you'll need to get use to that now because it never ends. Also we are always looking for that idea of love we have in our heads. Thus when we're close, we clam up a bit trying not to ruin it. Don't worry, he likes you and you might just need to be more forward and take some control.