What to get a Libra man for Valentine's Day??

This topic was created in the Libra forum by chemengin on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 and has 72 replies.
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I'm trying to ask around it but he's not getting it. I want that "WOW" factor.

FYI~ I gave him clothes for christmas(no wow there, just ty) and I got him a new IPOD for his bday/our anniversary (i got "aw sweet thanks babe").

last valentine's day i got him a watch (again no wow, just ty).

if it helps he is a 34 year old professional male. 6'4" tall..if that means anything.
Honestly, I barely remember the day myself. But he goes all out for it, so I want to get him something special. I'm already cooking dinner.

all suggestions welcomed..and thank you.
Posted by chemengin
I'm trying to ask around it but he's not getting it. I want that "WOW" factor.

FYI~ I gave him clothes for christmas(no wow there, just ty) and I got him a new IPOD for his bday/our anniversary (i got "aw sweet thanks babe").

last valentine's day i got him a watch (again no wow, just ty).

if it helps he is a 34 year old professional male. 6'4" tall..if that means anything.
Honestly, I barely remember the day myself. But he goes all out for it, so I want to get him something special. I'm already cooking dinner.

all suggestions welcomed..and thank you.

mmm I like sky diving. I took him once he said he really liked it. But when we jumped he screamed like a woman. so I dont know if he was just being nice or what?
I can't speak for all Libra men but if I like my woman to be "the present" . Wrap yourself up in a sexy outfit and tease the living birthday out of him. Otherwise find out his hobbies and buy something in that department . Just my 2 cents but hey you wanted our opinions
get him some beauty products, lol. Anyways libragemmale is on point. I once left my ex a note on the counter saying- ' sorry babes i have an emergency to attend to, your present is in the bedroom. PS..HAPPY BIRTHDAY. A'. The present was me on my birthday suit with a red ribbon tied around my neck. We celebrated all night long. OMG, we were very naughty together. Too bad he turned out to be an anaconda. Get your mercury working girl, they arent hard to please.
if u decide on that route, make it classy, have a vision- dont be all spreaded like a pornstar. Mine was CLEOPATRA influenced- wig, makeup, a patch of golden cloth down there, arm jewelery and i was eating grapes, lol. He saw Egypt that night. Hahaha
Posted by WaterCup
get him some beauty products, lol.

LMAO Big Grin
Posted by libragemmale
I can't speak for all Libra men but if I like my woman to be "the present" . Wrap yourself up in a sexy outfit and tease the living birthday out of him. Otherwise find out his hobbies and buy something in that department . Just my 2 cents but hey you wanted our opinions

yup i wanted opinions. I wanted to see if i would get anything from you guys that i didnt think of. yea he had me as the present before that was a wow factor. its been a while, probably time to do it again.
Posted by WaterCup
if u decide on that route, make it classy, have a vision- dont be all spreaded like a pornstar. Mine was CLEOPATRA influenced- wig, makeup, a patch of golden cloth down there, arm jewelery and i was eating grapes, lol. He saw Egypt that night. Hahaha

aaawww really?? you mean I can't use those techniques i learned in that stripper class I took .....LOL
its an aqua thing osf, dont work your pretty head too much about it. Chem...use whatever, lol. They just love poon, but i learnt that, it works magic when the seduction is not done too obviously. I dont do jugs or arse shaking, im a lady, lol. I sashay. Just be creative with whatever u choose to do.
Posted by WaterCup
its an aqua thing osf, dont work your pretty head too much about it. Chem...use whatever, lol. They just love poon, but i learnt that, it works magic when the seduction is not done too obviously. I dont do jugs or arse shaking, im a lady, lol. I sashay. Just be creative with whatever u choose to do.

LOL..I was kidding smile class all the way.
5 star babygirl, 5 star. Never be the same girl twice, make yourself unforgettable. Ur an aqua dammit!
You might want an "ooh" instead of a "wow".. Beauty products are right up the alley.. Like get him something he likes or has liked for a while instead of something that you think would illicit a reaction you are seeking.
I'm off to work riught now but I see Watercup has you on the right track LOL , enjoy and have FUN with him ! remember he is ruled by Venus , the love should come naturally if you ar in the least bit seductive
lol @ beauty products, really. I wouldnt put a lip gloss past a venus dude(my ex always had suspicious looking lips, lol), its so libra to be cute and put together.Get him also a man-purse while ur at it. Maybe also a compact mirror, lol. Now that's hot
experiment....if you don't mind, post his chart. include his psyche and eros if you can manage..if not just pm me his birth information and i can look it up for you.

Yah he's right you know...a professional in the field..if he doesn't have one already that he loves..could appreciate that.
I know even though i'm a woman, if my husband got that for me, i'd be touched.
A good quality one is pretty expensive though...just sayin.
If you got munny to spare, get one from something like Bottega or some other brand he likes, you'd surely get the "WOW!" you're looking for, which is admiration of your exquisite taste
..beats the "WOW.. that contraption is SO OUT OF THIS WORLD CRAZY!" that sends any aqua into spasmic fits of delight; this is Bo0ring ole Libra you're dealing with here..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by spica
Posted by everevolvingepithet
This shop looks alright (if only for the name smile ), fair trade too if you're into that sort of thing.

nice shop and concept

I thought so too, and they only seem a little more expensive than the non-fairtrade ones.
click to expand

haha I wouldn't get this one though
not sure why they take vintage to a whole new level
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by spica
..beats the "WOW.. that contraption is SO OUT OF THIS WORLD CRAZY!" that sends any aqua into spasmic fits of delight; this is "Fashion can be bought. style one must possess" ole Libra you're dealing with here..

Fixed !
click to expand

My Lib friend has been wanting this bottega manbag for a loong time.. no one has gotten it for him yet tho' haha Tongue
style is a mishmash of fashion concepts thrown together to fit body types, hair style s etc.. it has to be discovered.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
See that just seems like the part of the site where they're trying to sell a friend's stuff I thought.

this one also
Iunno i saw some rust..
the leather bags look ok though.. sorry for the cows but..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
A quick google image search leads me to believe Botegga omitted the 'man' part in the majority of their designs. smile

haha.. manbag's a funny term; was just extending the joke a little bit Tongue
they're ok, the scarf is nice as well..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
aka: dug out of a skip and trussed up a bit. smile

it is bad fung shuay for sure.. Tongue
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by spica
Posted by everevolvingepithet
A quick google image search leads me to believe Botegga omitted the 'man' part in the majority of their designs. smile

haha.. manbag's a funny term; was just extending the joke a little bit Tongue

Those Bottega bags follow the more modern terminology methinks.smile
click to expand

haha i'm not much into men's fashion, those bottega bags look like faux twine tbh
Posted by everevolvingepithet
(Pilot's helmet with visor optional)

that's the pilot look goin' on..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
A quick google image search leads me to believe Botegga omitted the 'man' part in the majority of their designs. smile

sorry, did you mean it was for gay men? I almost didn't catch it there..
*flings a cup of water at WaterCup*
unveil the rot please.. smile
*clicks on site*

Oh..my god...i want that kitty purse!!!! I don't care how tacky it looks...I would freakin love that!!!!! gah!!!!
someone get it for me...please. Cries!!!
come on...do it..i'd get it for you!! you know if you wanted things like that....
Anyway..guess the person won't post...i'd was thinking if you could try to get something taht would appeal to one of their placements..like their moon..or their mars..or their eros. We could go generic libra male gifts all day, but to try to orchestratrate something on the basis of their chart...that'd be interesting to think about.
I may be different here but buying gifts doesn't usually give a 'wow' factor for me. I have never been much of a gift giver though. I do it in relationships and for my kids but that is it. I have told friends and family not to buy gifts for me since I was a teen, I don't need/want them. One girl I dated in HS asked what I had wanted for x-mas and she wouldn't accept "nothing" as my answer, so I said some thing like "Fine, I'd love a new pair of socks, a can of soda, and a banana"...
The best way to 'wow' someone imho is to share an experience with them. A friend of mine just had her birthday last week. I got her a book that I know she wanted, but the wow present is not material. She is in medical school and has talked about going into veterinary care. She also confessed a while back a deep desire to touch a lion. She basically wants to motorboat its mane. Obviously you can't just go to the zoo and jump in the lion pit and play with his mane... not if you want to walk out of the zoo anyway. So I found an animal park that will let us feed their lions and tigers. We are going Saturday (she has no idea) and getting a behind the scenes tour. They have a few rare baby bears that they are going to let her bottle feed.
I do agree too, the 'gift of yourself' is great. Watercup's present story is hot.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Lol, I'll get you the purse if you get me the pilot bag (+ helmet with visor ?) and it's a done deal smile

Posted by WaterCup
5 star babygirl, 5 star. Never be the same girl twice, make yourself unforgettable. Ur an aqua dammit!

yes 5 star all the way Big Grin
Posted by WaterCup
lol @ beauty products, really. I wouldnt put a lip gloss past a venus dude(my ex always had suspicious looking lips, lol), its so libra to be cute and put together.Get him also a man-purse while ur at it. Maybe also a compact mirror, lol. Now that's hot

lol @the lip gloss. now that we live together. he has the same kind i do. LMAO!!! i dont blame him i like soft lips. but i laughed for days when i found out he had the same kind.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Outside of Watercup's bad humour, a man-bag isn't a bad idea actually.
Here's a few ideas, nice leather ones always look pretty snazzy imo, unless he's sensitive to that sort of thing hah.

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

^ Hes not far wrong either lol.

those are nice. I love the hangover...."Its not a man purse it a satchel"
Posted by TheBeautifulStruggle

Yah he's right you know...a professional in the field..if he doesn't have one already that he loves..could appreciate that.
I know even though i'm a woman, if my husband got that for me, i'd be touched.
A good quality one is pretty expensive though...just sayin.

he could use a new one, the one he carries is getting worn. he had it since he graduated. ty
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Can't say the models are selling them that well though, imeho.

LOL I would have to totally agree with you on that.
Posted by LibraSid
I may be different here but buying gifts doesn't usually give a 'wow' factor for me. I have never been much of a gift giver though. I do it in relationships and for my kids but that is it. I have told friends and family not to buy gifts for me since I was a teen, I don't need/want them. One girl I dated in HS asked what I had wanted for x-mas and she wouldn't accept "nothing" as my answer, so I said some thing like "Fine, I'd love a new pair of socks, a can of soda, and a banana"...
The best way to 'wow' someone imho is to share an experience with them. A friend of mine just had her birthday last week. I got her a book that I know she wanted, but the wow present is not material. She is in medical school and has talked about going into veterinary care. She also confessed a while back a deep desire to touch a lion. She basically wants to motorboat its mane. Obviously you can't just go to the zoo and jump in the lion pit and play with his mane... not if you want to walk out of the zoo anyway. So I found an animal park that will let us feed their lions and tigers. We are going Saturday (she has no idea) and getting a behind the scenes tour. They have a few rare baby bears that they are going to let her bottle feed.
I do agree too, the 'gift of yourself' is great. Watercup's present story is hot.

that is really touching. I will have to look in my journal to see if anything stands out. yes i write down stuff that excite him so i can use it later...LOL I would forget otherwise.
Posted by VirgoDeVille
"mmm I like sky diving. I took him once he said he really liked it. But when we jumped he screamed like a woman. so I dont know if he was just being nice or what?"
Lmao.. Wow..

yea and i couldnt hear in my right ear for like 3 days.
okay so far as a gift I got:
1. Me~check
2. I ordered his messenger bag I'm looking at his now and he needs a new one. ~check
3. Dinner ~check
4. Something he's been wanting to do for a long time~ working on that. ~still working on that.

Thank you everyone. Big Grin
In that order ! yes remember your the #1 gift , everything else is secondary
chem...lol at your bf's use of lipgloss, he must have pretty lips, lol. Im not surprised that he uses the same brand as u, they do that (copy ppl) when they like them. U go girls, work those lips...uhmm...i meant, boy and girl.
not gay osf, metrosexual, who wants lips that feel like a vegetable grater?
Posted by oldskoolflavor
Posted by chemengin
Posted by WaterCup
lol @ beauty products, really. I wouldnt put a lip gloss past a venus dude(my ex always had suspicious looking lips, lol), its so libra to be cute and put together.Get him also a man-purse while ur at it. Maybe also a compact mirror, lol. Now that's hot

lol @the lip gloss. now that we live together. he has the same kind i do. LMAO!!! i dont blame him i like soft lips. but i laughed for days when i found out he had the same kind.

maybe you shouldn't date men who turn out to be gay
click to expand

LOL he's hardly gay he just knows i dont like rough chapped lips on me Winking
Posted by WaterCup
not gay osf, metrosexual, who wants lips that feel like a vegetable grater?

+1 i dont like rough lips or rough hands Tongue might as well rub sand paper on my skin.
no actual they are ok chem, u can always use those dry lips/hands as a pumice stone to remove dead skin from your feet or grate sum cheese. See?, its a win situation
Posted by WaterCup
no actual they are ok chem, u can always use those dry lips/hands as a pumice stone to remove dead skin from your feet or grate sum cheese. See?, its a win situation

LMAO Big Grin
i have the feet problem in winter, socks refuse to come out. Its shameful when u wake up with feet covered in lint, like sum furry animal. Oh well, at least i dont get coin slots on my feet, like a jukebox or payphone.