Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Haven't heard from Aqua in awhile, maybe her friend turned lover story is going according to planned, and she doesn't have anymore time for us little people... Heeeheee
Signed Up: Nov 02, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Libra and I are going well... thanks for checking up on me.. have been trying to focus on him and he has been requiring a lot of my late night time.. we usually talk for 4 - 5 hours a night which is my normal DXP time... Biz trip went well, he did not come with, but we talked from 5:30PM when my meeting let out until about 1:30AM.. That was a great night of talking.. and then last night he had another break down moment.. this came after talking for about 3 hours.. around 3:45AM he starts telling me how much he admires and loves me, he can't believe we are at this point and he is sooo amazed by me, then he starts with this, "but I thought you were a good girl, what are you doing to me". I said, "why do you keep saying that, like I am different?" He said, " no it's a good thing, I am just surprised you turned out to be this way". (been flirting a lot and telling him a lot of my fantasies). Then he said, "I am just really afraid of losing our friendship, this means so much to me, no matter who I am with I would always have you and if we stop now it would not be that bad, we would kiss every time we see each other and hug one-another 20 seconds longer than usually, but would keep our friendship". I said, "I can't tell you want to do, and it is obvious that this is a problem for you, but I would like to just take things one day at a time". I should also say that in this conversation he stated he thinks if we keep messing around he is going to turn me out and he does not want to do that... and he also has been talking A LOT about getting married in the past two days.. not exactly us, but talking about him buying a house and trying to make more money now to get one, for a wife and kids.. NEVER spoke of getting a house before in 7 years! Nor has he ever mentioned the need to make more money. Not sure what to do.. I told him we should have ended the conversation about 15 minutes prior to him talking about the "friendship" thing again. At times I want to convince him that I am the "one", but at other times I want him to figure it out on his own. I dunno... we have had such a great past few weeks and I sooo look forward to talking to him everyday and exploring new things with him now. I am afraid to let that go. He has been so much more aggressive than ever with our conversations and telling me his feelings and now he wants to digress back to being friends.. I would DIE!!! What to do DXPer's?? What to do?
Signed Up: Jan 05, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
I HATE the "friends" talk. What ARE we suppose to do? Just "wait" until Libra makes up their mind? Seems to be the advice from Libras here BUT don't they realize we usually have others "waiting in the wings" that MAY give us a DECISION. And I know conversations help but not sure if LONG conversations help. Hangin' in there with you, ab.
Signed Up: Jan 17, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
I don't know... Maybe he was hoping for some sort of reassurance from you? Either that, if it didn't work out, you would want to work towards keeping your friendship, or perhaps that you were willing to truly try and make a relationship work (i.e. - a mentality of not allowing it to fail)?!? Perhaps he was talking about the marriage, kids, house stuff to test the waters, to see what your feelings are on the matter and see if you two had compatible life goals. Maybe he is interested in something serious, but is afraid to go down that path blindly, afraid of putting himself out there on the line just to have it fail for some reason that he could have foreseen. Though it is possible that he merely feels more secure in talking to you about those things, as a result of your further developing friendship / relationship, and perhaps I am reading too much into it. I am not a Libra, so this is just conjecture. But, those are the first things that would come to mind. I am sure some real Librans will be able to shed some better light on the situation...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Aqua, glad to hear things are going well. I am treading some water with my Libra friend. Finally told him what I was feeling. Read my thread "Call me crazy". One thing I recently learned is that sometimes Libra guys talk in a general sense, however they are reffering to themselves... I am not sure if the house and kids were directed towards the two of you, but something tells me it was and like alcheme said (can you tell we are both scorps?) he was probably trying to feel you out and see where your head was on the subject. I think he will go back and forth with the friends thing a couple more times. Just try to show him rather than tell him that it is OK to be more than friends... It is OK. Libras, sometimes need that reassurance.
Signed Up: Mar 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
Aqua, Girls The hinting is still there. We are TERRIFIED of losing you once we have you. We expect to get the boot the next time we see each other. Takes forever to get rid of that feeling.
Signed Up: Nov 30, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Aqua....Im so glad things are going well The friends thing? seems like he really needs to make sure you will still remain friends no matter what....he values this with you but to be honest, I wouldn't focus on it though! "but I thought you were a good girl, what are you doing to me". I said, "why do you keep saying that, like I am different?" He said, " no it's a good thing, I am just surprised you turned out to be this way". Sounds to me like he's enjoying what is happening between you both but also a little surprised (well a lot maybe LOL) after all the years you have known eachother only as friends.....he's still coming to terms with all of this, however, you've had more time as you've been in love/lust with him for a long time!! I'd enjoy every moment as it comes along....he won't be able to stop at seeing you like that only once - you and us all know that LOL.
Signed Up: Nov 02, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
I dunno guys. I sent him an email asking about the marriage thing. He said a lot of his friends are getting married and he is feeling some pressure. But he is trying to get himself together first. I am sure we will talk about it tonight and I will let you all know. But all in all, things are good. The communication is flowing much more smoothly now and we both are able to ask questions more openly than before. Love him a whole bunch though... what are you all doing for your libras for Valentines day?
Signed Up: Oct 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 12
I don't know, from what I remember Aqua - you're just ending a marriage, right? Probably not ready for that step again anytime soon? I think that if you have a Libra hooked, he will be patient. Most of them love to serve their partners and are all about compromise. I was talking to my Libra about the friends thing the other night..funny. He was saying kind of the same thing yours said, except that we started out as lovers. I truthfully said that I don't know if the whole "friends" thing would work with us b/c there are too many passionate feelings between us. Probably someone would be too hurt. He actually seemed happy to hear that answer. I think he might have been fishing for me to tell him, in an indirect way, that I would be crushed w/out him. Again, he's reading b/t my lines. Anyways, I think the two of you are in a great place, and hopefully you can both sit back and just enjoy what you have for now. Life is short, ya know!
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
we worry about the amount of time invested on upgrading the current system and then the new system crashed all of a sudden and we lost everything including the old version. Talks on marriage and buying home means he is seriously considering building up a life with you and settling down. He dont want to push it any further than making it a casual friendly chat thereby making you simulate those ideas and project and integrate it into your future and see how well/bad it can be. I have done this one time... anyway good for me it didnt worked out.. it was a cappy...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Aqua... Don't fret about the frienship stuff this is just him going back and forth in his mind about the whole situation weighing the pros and the cons. As of now, no plans for valentines day, remember my libra friend and I are not quite dating yet.. Also, valentine's day is the most sensitive day for me... I got engaged on that day and it affects me more than my anniversary every year. Who knows...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
ammrocks and thelibra, maybe I should of accepted his initial proposal a year earlier, it wasn't on valentine's day. It does seem like Valentines day is for everyone else, not especially for us. However, he proposed in the most unconventional and quirky way - it made it extra special to me.., I came home from work, went to the bathroom, he came in, as I was washing my hands, hugged me from behind, kissed my neck and handed me a velvet flower and said "Happy Valentines Day". I thought, oh cute. I turned and kissed him and said thanks, everyday was valentine's day with him (there I go a pro at boosting the Libran ego)then he held my hand and we walked out of the bathroom into our bedroom. (We had been living together less than a year) all of a sudden I saw something shiny on the rose, I looked (it was a velvet rose ring case on a stem)James and Sons, couldn't have come up with a better box. I opened it and as I did he bent on one knee - was a long way down for a 6'5 foot guy. He looked me in my eyes and I was speachless. 2.8 karat, platinum diamond ring (yes I still have it saving it incase I need to pond it for hard times ) I just said yes and hugged him for about an hour. I will never forget that!!! Later we went to the Cyberus hotel suites after dinner. He went all out!
Signed Up: Nov 02, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Hey Guys! Good to see everyone back.. Where is Nic?? anyway.. Libra and I are still good. Found out the other chic he was seeing screwed him over for her ex and is now begging him back, saying she made a mistake. Fortunate for me, I was flirting at the right time.. she messed up and I slipped in. Hopefully, he does not get "hazy eyes" again for her.. but anyway.. Chatz.."you're just ending a marriage, right? Probably not ready for that step again anytime soon?" Ammorocks is correct here... Can't live with anyone again. thelibran.."He dont want to push it any further than making it a casual friendly chat thereby making you simulate those ideas and project and integrate it into your future and see how well/bad it can be" I was thinking this.. as he does mention even things about when I get married again.. and he KNOWS that is a NO NO topic, so your reasoning makes sense. You have not talked marriage with any other sign.. just cappy?? Why? We know you love gems!
Signed Up: Nov 02, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
QS.. your engagement story was touching and beautiful.. and the Sybaris.. you go girl!! Wouldn't it be nice if the marriage was as good as the engagement?? Those "in love" moments are always wonderful.. where he is cute and you are cute and everything is perfect.. it is the rest that sucks!
Signed Up: Oct 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 12
Aqua, No we're not really taking time apart. Seems to be something he just said. We never have spent EVERY moment together (nor even close) and we seem to be on the same routine... We're taking a trip together next week and seem to be getting closer and closer all of the time. I think he just wanted to make sure that I absolutely understand and respect his need for space.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"Where is Nic??" Sorry everyone I have been a little preocupied lately. But it looks like a couple of people have covered the situation pretty well. I agree with Alcheme....she is getting good at reading us... and the Libran. Especially the part about bringing up serious desires/concerns in casual conversation to feel out the energy through the interaction. It sounds like he is really falling for you. this is in a good place to be with a Libra but during this time where we are falling, we can be really sensitive to our partners emotions and the energy they give off so watch out for that. If you are being sweet and pleasent he will be even more so, if you guys have even a little miscommunication he is going to get a bit freaked out. He is pretty much at the point where we decide weather or not we are going to play for keeps or not.
Signed Up: Nov 30, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
yep that space thing is important to seems once they realise you're ok with that, (and it can take months and months for goodness sake), that these guys respect you more and open themselves up so you can get to their heart...hehehe...well that's what it seems like to me. OMG I have learnt so much in the past 4 months - it has been the most amazing ride I've ever been on and I say that with a big smile on my face right now. As you all know, like most of you on here *rolls eyes@this*, there have been times I almost walked away - many actually lol, and there have been times I've been so high it felt as though I was going to do myself a great injury by coming down. I've finally, yes FINALLY learnt that its ok in the inbetween times - there's nothing to worry about, I know that I will see my man again very soon and that I should just enjoy every single day again. Guess he knew that I really wasn't ready for a r/ship until now either - I was trying to fill the void my cheating ex left and I think he knows me better than I do already....he's taught me to take things so slowly (not a Leo trait I might add) and to take the time to find out exactly what I do want. I have realised that he has strong feelings for me too and that Im not going to lose him any time soon....he's starting to let go of his issues...he's so much happier lately, we have the best time together and we both get a lot of pleasure in eachothers company....I can ask no more at this time in my life....Im on cloud 9 and thank you to you all for all the advice and support on here - OMG I am so happy to have stumbled across this site!!! I'd have lost him for sure had I not (with my impatience)...I have learnt patience, and that time can go so incredibly slow but its for a good reason and I've grown so much in such a short time.....this man has changed my whole outlook on life...he's amazing - OMG I am high aren't I??? LOL....(im saying that knowing I probably won't see him for the next week and a half and that time will drag) OK anyway enough about that....just thought I'd get it out.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Great time for everyone, I see. Can't wait until I am at the place chatz, aqua and ammrocks is. If I will get there. Things are still pretty much up in the air, I can't get too caught up in it though. Going to see some friends in another city tomorrow, me and my baby girl. Then I am inviting two of her friends over for a sleep over and taking them to build-a-bear... Yes I am the fun mom all my friends kids want to visit. After a day of exhaustion, I will then on Sunday take my daughter to a B-day party of her cousins (my ex bro in law's kids) bound to see my ex there urrggghhh. Back to work on Monday. Texted my libra friend to see how he was feeling, haven't heard a word.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
No need to talk about marriage to a gem. She will understand it without much verbal communication. But when its an aqua, we dont grasp the complete idea of whats going on in their head. So I guee tats why ur libra did it.
Signed Up: Jan 17, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
QS, You are such a kick ass mom! That is so cool... I have to know, what is "build-a-bear"?!? "Can't wait until I am at the place chatz, aqua and ammrocks is." About your Libra, just remember that you have recently come to terms with your relationship (wanting more, but being okay with friends, too), as well as made some significant progress with your Libra guy (the talk). And those are rockin'... Don't let the other's progress rain on your parade and lessen your ability to appreciate the leaps and bounds you have made in your relationship. Enjoy it for what it is and how much further it is from where it was. Something I doubt you are incapable of seeing, but sometimes I find we all need a reminder of that (or perhaps it is just me )... "If I will get there." Pffft... From your dialogue on the forum, I can tell that you are self-assured, self-possessed, fun, exciting, and sexy. You WILL get there... And, if for some reason, he is blind and incapable of seeing that, well... You will move on and find a guy who is truly worthy of you, and he will no doubt spend the rest of his life trying to find someone as great as you, to little or no avail (like your Libra ex-hubby). It is as simple as that...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Alcheme, thanks from the bottom of my heart sista scorp. *** tear drop*** I know my worth, I just can't wait to find someone else who can appreciate it and embrace it all, without getting intimidated by my confidence, insecure of my independance and worthy of the deepness of my love... When I give, I give all, no holding back and many can't appreciate nor handle it. Thanks, being a mother is my best accomplishment and my baby is my world. I had a tough pregnancy and tried twice before I had her. So, she is my angel. Build-a-Bear is a workshop where you put all parts of a bear together, add its heart, stuff it dress it and take it home, with a variety of clothing and accessories. Very fun. Thanks scorp sis.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
also Alcheme, my patience is short, very short. I am a little older than the other girls and though I tell everyone they need patients with these Libra lads, I am short on that attribute. They just know how to pull you in right when you want to give up though. I remember how annoying this part was with my ex. I will wait because I am starting to fall for him, and when I determine to conquer I do and haven't failed yet. So wish me luck.
Signed Up: Nov 30, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
OH Lordy I have just come home from shopping and I detoured and tried the perfume my Libran was hinting at a few weeks back (which came from nowhere - sheesh)....OMG it is exceptional - he has amazing taste!!!! so tempting to go and buy it!!! Why he had to mention it I dunno coz its driving me crazy!!! Men!!!!
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Angel by whom? Not Dream Angel perfumes by Victoria secret??? Chatz, buy the perfume, it will not make you look desperate, but impress him to know that you subtly got the hint and bought something that he would like, makes him know you care about what he wants. It will be complimenting.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Chatz, just tell me how big his grin is when he smells it on you. Don't say anything just look in his eyes when he does and give a wicked smile. It will be on after that!!!!
Signed Up: Jan 05, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Chatz, here's what usually works for me (when a woman does this): you buy the perfume and wear it occassionaly at first. For example, EVERYONE likes that just-out-of-the-shower soapy smell. You can hang around him smelling squeaky clean and he won't even know why you are so yummy. Then once in a while subtly wear the perfume he likes (we're talking Pavlov's dog, conditioned response here). He will KNOW you did that just for him but probably won't let on other than a little body language reaction you'll appreciate. Besides, YOU like it! So FEEL sexy and SMELL sexy enjoying yourSELF as you go about your day (THAT turns a guy on to, you know!).
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Chatz, Libra men love when a woman not only looks and smells sexy, but when she knows she is... I will never forget one night I went to see my libra friend and I had a pony tail, very little make up on and a cute sweater, pair of jeans and cute heels on a saturday, casual, but I felt sooo cute that day. He said "Wow you look good" However, I remember being all dressed up and not feeling as pretty as I did that day... It is about the attitude.
Signed Up: Nov 02, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Chatz.. know exactly the fragrence you speak of... YES it is heavenly.. I have been eyeing it for years.. I just bought Rush by Gucci, very unique and heavenly also.. Good smells definitely help the mood!