Which sign is most affectionate?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by simplysweet987 on Thursday, November 18, 2010 and has 14 replies.
Just want some opinions... with me being a Libra, I guess it takes me awhile to open up and feel comfortable enough to be affectionate with someone I like. I may really have the desire to, but hold back instead. I am attracted to those who can show this behavior. I have dated two water signs, Cancer & Pisces, and found both to be very loveydovey. Only dated one Leo, and he was expressive, but not so much in public...
So I was wondering which signs are more naturally affectionate than others?
Hm. Sure, I hold back to a reasonable extent... Not to run into battle blind, so to speak. That aside, I think of myself as rather outwardly expressive with loving behavior.
Agreed. I may be a little slow at the start but I am very affectionate.
I think it just takes me a little motivation sometimes to show that towards someone. Unless its someone that is really expressive with it, then I'm more easy-going with it! I guess it also depends on how much you really like the person too smile
The reason that Leo males are not too affectionate in public is because they most likely have a wandering eye for another woman.
This is why you have to guard your emotions against many (NOTE I DID NOT SAY ALL) of them: They have a hard time staying sexually loyal to just one woman.
As a Taurus I'm usually reserved, but when the chemistry is right I am very lovey dovey and affectionate at all times.
As a Taurus I'm usually reserved, but when the chemistry is right I am very lovey dovey and affectionate at all times.
As a Taurus I'm usually reserved, but when the chemistry is right I am very lovey dovey and affectionate at all times.
As a Taurus I'm usually reserved, but when the chemistry is right I am very lovey dovey and affectionate at all times but if the person doesn't give it back i can with draw back into the shell
cancers first definitely! they so darn sensitive. then leo's...if your not affectionate with them they take it straight personally with their ego's. and then it's libra's...but pahleez PLEASE let it be by the right person or will turn to ice! yikes!lol
cancers first definitly they're so darn sensitive! Leo are next because if your not affectionate with them they will take it straight to their ego. Then comes libra BUT pahleez PLEASE let it be by the right person or we will turn to ice...YIKES!
Apart from Libras, out of my kids Taurus, Leo and Cancer definitely cancer, all the time. She comes to cuddle up and also has to touch my hair, hold my hand in public or just wrap her arms around me all the time and she is 15 so it's not just a baby thing. Even when she is mad at me on the way to school arguing 8/10 times she will still kiss me goodbye... I tend to shy from it in public alot but not so in private.
yes im aquarius and im so affectionate...i guess because i have libra rising so it influences my cold distant aquarius (;P)
but i would have to say i dated libras, libra guys are so sweet and affectionate!
gemini guys are as well but in their way that i understand
pisces too~
i think all signs are affectionate in their way and timesmile

yes im aquarius and im so affectionate...i guess because i have libra rising so it influences my cold distant aquarius (;P)
but i would have to say i dated libras, libra guys are so sweet and affectionate!
gemini guys are as well but in their way that i understand
pisces too~
i think all signs are affectionate in their way and timesmile