Why are these topics always about Libra men?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Shescomeundone on Monday, November 11, 2013 and has 9 replies.
I am a libra woman, in love with a Virgo man.. Looking for I sights... It seems all the threads here are about Libra men... Lets here from Libra woman! Who do you find yourself attracted to and why? Are you jealous like me? Possessive? Airhead? I wanna know I'm not alone!!!
If you're looking for insights about your Virgo man check the Virgo forum. The threads here are always about Libras because this is the Libra forum. They're usually about men because women are more likely to come to a website seeking advice than men are.
As to your questions (even though I am one of those dirty Libra men)... I am not really jealous and possesive, I call it territorial. I'm not airheaded, I am trusting to the point of gullibility.
Posted by Deep78
Your not all one! Except for the jealous part...well I mean I'm not jealous if I'm with someone and they tell me they have friends that are girls, but if they are shady about it and tell me about a girl after the fact of me finding out then yes I can be jealous. I'm in love with my cancer ex...possessive because we aren't together but he's still mine...I want him. I can be slightly air headed but that depends a lot on the subject...I'm mostly airhead when it comes to math. Lol. I'm in love with love, believing that one day I will live that dreamy blissful story one only reads about. It takes a lot to get me angry but when I do get to that point....I suggest you get out of my sight. I have a super smart mouth, I mean I shock myself sometimes when in that zone of telling someone to "have a seat". And I procrastinate.

LoL sounds like me alot... Except for know Cancer men! He'll no, we just don't click or haven't met the right one! Winking I'm crazy in love with a freaking Virgo.... I want him no matter what! Lol not a bit possessive
Love these responses... I go to Virgo forum quite often...thanks I guess it's true more women are frustrated then oblivious men!
I got burned once and promised myself to never get burned again... i guess because i knew how hard it was to go all out to someone who doesnt deserve it ...even if you advise a leeb to not do it if she wants it she will get it even if it meant the end of her...just go wherevr you want to go or get whatever you want just weigh it if its worth all the effort and pain if in case it goes shitty.... a leeb can only learn if they experience it first hand.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by libra08
I got burned once and promised myself to never get burned again... i guess because i knew how hard it was to go all out to someone who doesnt deserve it ...even if you advise a leeb to not do it if she wants it she will get it even if it meant the end of her...just go wherevr you want to go or get whatever you want just weigh it if its worth all the effort and pain if in case it goes shitty.... a leeb can only learn if they experience it first hand.

True. I've always had to learn my own lessons when it came to love.
Hi leeb8 smile
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Hey ultra!! MISS YOU???
Posted by Shescomeundone
I am a libra woman, in love with a Virgo man.. Looking for I sights... It seems all the threads here are about Libra men... Lets here from Libra woman! Who do you find yourself attracted to and why? Are you jealous like me? Possessive? Airhead? I wanna know I'm not alone!!!

Like someone else said, women just complain more lol. But to answer your questions...
I find myself most attracted to taurean men. I sometimes find virgo men attractive but they are usually not my type. I can have feelings of jealousy sometimes, but ultimately i know it's the most useless emotion to have. I am most certainly not an airhead! Lol! I can have my moments like everyone else though.
Women are most likely to research online/ask about about relationship woes than men are. Also, women tend to believe in astrology a lot more than men do, hence all the male oriented questions.
Posted by narbil
Posted by tiziani
Libra women are perfect.

There are no men in relationships with Libra women posting about it because they are too busy enjoying perfection. Would you ruin a good thing? Exactly.

amen to that
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AGREED! We are amazing, loving, sexy, social, caring woman!