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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I am a libra woman, in love with a Virgo man.. Looking for I sights... It seems all the threads here are about Libra men... Lets here from Libra woman! Who do you find yourself attracted to and why? Are you jealous like me? Possessive? Airhead? I wanna know I'm not alone!!!
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Jun 08, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4581 · Topics: 75
If you're looking for insights about your Virgo man check the Virgo forum. The threads here are always about Libras because this is the Libra forum. They're usually about men because women are more likely to come to a website seeking advice than men are.
As to your questions (even though I am one of those dirty Libra men)... I am not really jealous and possesive, I call it territorial. I'm not airheaded, I am trusting to the point of gullibility.
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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
Love these responses... I go to Virgo forum quite often...thanks I guess it's true more women are frustrated then oblivious men!
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Apr 03, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1451 · Topics: 31
I got burned once and promised myself to never get burned again... i guess because i knew how hard it was to go all out to someone who doesnt deserve it ...even if you advise a leeb to not do it if she wants it she will get it even if it meant the end of her...just go wherevr you want to go or get whatever you want just weigh it if its worth all the effort and pain if in case it goes shitty.... a leeb can only learn if they experience it first hand.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Women are most likely to research online/ask about about relationship woes than men are. Also, women tend to believe in astrology a lot more than men do, hence all the male oriented questions.