Why do i still get angry?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by SageTree on Monday, November 10, 2008 and has 3 replies.
YES. I totally felt this way with my libra. Now we got back to normal and we are cool but that's because the root of everything is we have a very strong friendship. It's very easy for a sag to feel used by a libra and feeling like well shit I can never compare to their past because they hold "Their first loves" "Past relationships" so high. It's hard for us saggs to understand because we are so live in the moment, let the past be that past be happy for the future type because we have the ability to see that down the road it won't matter and yet it's painful for something to end we always believe in a new beigning. I don't see libra's thinking that way. Well most anyway.

I can see why you feel resitment, I did too for a while with mine, because they can bring lots of drama into your life and make it look like it's your fault. And that would make any sag be like " I can't believe I wasted my time with someone who couldn't even be normal to me and honest lie to me like I couldn't handle the truth and just walk away" They like to be in control and always have an upper hand which I find distubering and gross. It's for me to deal with people like that. I just don't get it. Let's all be equal. God damn. They can also seem like they lack depth too, which is again gross. But the normal ones are good.
It is normal that you feel angry. He betrayed you and he works in the same place as you. You guys are always seeing each other, and seeing each other I believe is what reminds you of what he has done to you, and the fact that he pretends like nothing happened pushes you over the edge.
Hell I would be angry if my bf went away on a trip with his ex. So you are in line with your feelings. But did he ever apologize to you or he just gave you the guilt trip?
Just wondering... was the tripped planned while you to were dating or before you guys took it to the next level. Libras like to make everyone happy so IF the trip was planned well in advance. I don't think he meant any harm, if it was planned during. KICK HIS ASS FOR ME!!!