I recently broke up with my Libra due to him lying to me about a female, he set no boundaries and was really inappropriate with her.
Recently he text me about thanksgiving which led to a small conversation between us, I said something to which he replied "that's bullshit." So I told him "I don't agree with that just like he feels he wasn't wrong for what he did but to me he was." Then he gets mad and said I dumped him for no reason, and that he really wanted us to be together for a long time.
But I feel like he's blowing smoke because he has yet to apologize and try to right his wrong instead he sees nothing wrong with what he did. And I really didn't dump him for nothing, I found out he was talking inappropriately with another female and having her send him inappropriate photos and when I confronted him he flat out tried denying it to me even though I had proof.
He keeps saying that he didn't physically cheat on me so I had no reason to dump him, and I have told him it's about respect, and trust I trusted him to not be doing me won't and he is, that it doesn't have to be physical, what he's doing can lead to it and since he's doing that how do I know he hasn't physically cheated on me. Plus the female that sent him pictures is a female that I questioned him about at the beginning of our relationship because they seemed to flirt a lot, and I asked him to cutoff, block, and delete her off his social media, and he told me he would do what I asked but he didn't. I didn't see her on his page so I figured he did, but I found out she created a new page and didn't put him on it because it's a page with her and her husband.
So anyway now he's mad at me because I called him a liar, told him he hurt and disappointed me and told him to be with that bitch since she was worth him disrespecting me and risking our relationship. I also told him he was really stupid to lose me over another mans wife for some ass shots.
Now for anyone wondering how I found out things I was using his phone, and a message from the girl popped up and that's how I found out he was still keeping contact with her, and I looked at the messages between him and her and saw how inappropriate it was, and broke up with him. He kept denying the pictures, even though I had the proof I told him to just man up and acknowledge what he did but he wouldn't instead he kept saying he never had sex with her, and that she moved to another state awhile ago to which I told him that makes him even more stupid because he lost his own woman for another mans wife that lives in another State.
My question is from what I read about Libras they don't like hurting people and will try to mend their wrong, but my ex won't do that instead he's mad at me for breaking up with him and trying to justify his actions. Is that a Libra trait to not acknowledge your wrongs and apologize for it, and why is he mad at me when he's in the wrong?
Signed Up:
Jan 13, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 2045 · Topics: 19
You did the right thing in breaking up with him.
Don't waste your time.
Not all Libras are like this.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Hm ass hat. Both of you have some issues to work on but now it's like no one cares.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Am I the only one who considers it ratchet as fuck to refer to other women as "a female?"
"He was lying about a female."
Signed Up:
Aug 02, 2014Comments: 177 · Posts: 2392 · Topics: 92
Wow i broke up with my libra ex (1st bf) for the same reason....
I found out he was talking inappropriately with another female and having her send him inappropriate photos and when I confronted him he flat out tried denying it to me even though I had proof.
Are you two married? You are acting like you have the ranking of a wife. He owes you nothing, marriage means fidelity not boyfriend. Do you have an engagement ring? Why are you acting as if this guy owes you fidelity? Are you under the delusion that a single unmarried man is going to be with one woman? Where do you chicks get this fantasy shit? Lol, He did nothing wrong, you did. You violated his boundaries by going through the phone of a man who is not your husband or fiancée. He owes you nothing. Nothing.. girlfriend just means the chick I bang more than any other chick at his moment. To expect a single unmarried man to give you the fidelity we give our wives is ridiculous. WTF?