WOW! Free manelos for the first ten replies, HURRY

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Friday, March 3, 2006 and has 10 replies.
Ask Antibling Winking
Barry Manelos?
"Barry Manelos"

Hahahahahahah, GOOD ONE! Winking
DO thongs go well with manelos? or would it be considered a fashion faux pas?
Give me my shoes! lol!
Do sparrows wear shoes?
Do sparrows wear shoes?
I guess LIBRA ones do, very chic!
Your free Manelos will be sent to you ASAP!
Yay! I win!
And yes, we do wear shoes. We need them to cover our danity little feet. lol!
And what pretty little dainty feet they are indeed!
Everything Libra is gorgeous Winking
The rest are all cabbages.
Anti....Ummm, you said you were an ACE dreser...
Well OK then, which color bow do you prefer and I'll have them shipped straight-away!