Posted by BillieJean
Is that their correct rising sign?
Posted by EndlessI'm blue (inside) and red (outside)
who's the blue and who's the red
cuz there's some aspect between mats/venus
how did you guys manage to get different plutos that was pretty recently LoL
Posted by libralotusPosted by Endless
who's the blue and who's the red
cuz there's some aspect between mats/venus
how did you guys manage to get different plutos that was pretty recently LoL
I'm blue (inside) and red (outside)
We're 4 years apart 😊click to expand
Posted by EndlessPosted by libralotusPosted by Endless
who's the blue and who's the red
cuz there's some aspect between mats/venus
how did you guys manage to get different plutos that was pretty recently LoL
I'm blue (inside) and red (outside)
We're 4 years apart 😊
oh I read "diff year" (singular) and my brain thought 1 year lolclick to expand
Posted by Librasetting777
You might run into trouble with your moon signs since there opposites which would be emotional in some way
Posted by ACsquarepluto
One of the best sites to calculate synastry is imo. is commonly used to calculate synastry
This looks like solid synastry to me. Good aspects/house placements:
-Your Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune in his 1st
-Your Saturn in his 2nd, could indicate the willingness on both sides to maintain the relationship for a long time.
-Your Mars in his 7th
-Your Venus in his 8th
-His Chiron and Jupiter in your 7th
-His moon in your 2nd (his emotional expression helps you feel stable within the relationship)
-His Mars in your 5th
-Sun conjunct Sun on the degree (I think synastry sites would give this a lot of weight toward a high score)
-Your Venus sextile his Mercury (2 degree orb)
-Your Uranus trine his Jupiter on the degree
-Your Neptune trine his Pluto (3 degree orb)
-Your Pluto sextile his Jupiter (1 degree orb)
-Your Chiron sextile his Chiron on the degree
-His Chiron sextile your sun (2 degree orb)
-Your ascendant trine his sun (2 degree orb)
-Your midheaven sextile his Jupiter (3 degree orb)
-His Chiron conjunct your Mars (1 degree orb)
Hard aspects:
-His moon opposite your sun tightly on the degree
-Your Mars square his Venus within 1 degree
-Your Saturn opposite his Jupiter (2 degree orb) This could be a binding aspect.
-His Neptune square your sun (2 degree orb)
-Your Chiron conjunct his sun (2 degrees: could be a healing aspect) and opposite his moon (2 degrees)
-His ascendant square your moon on the degree
-His Saturn in your 12th could leave you feeling uncertain at times.
Pretty exciting synastry.
Posted by libralotusPosted by Librasetting777
You might run into trouble with your moon signs since there opposites which would be emotional in some way
Oh really?click to expand
Posted by Librasetting777Posted by libralotusPosted by Librasetting777
You might run into trouble with your moon signs since there opposites which would be emotional in some way
Oh really?
they can be rude assholes and childish but that doesn't mean it wont work. It might help him make decisions sinces hes a libra lol I'm thankful for my aries to expand