Leo man interested or no?

Posted by Karleymarie

Posted by Karleymarie

Posted by Chuckcem

There seems to be information missing. How do you know this Leo and for how long? What were the circumstances when you first hung out? Also what is your sign?

Not all Leos rush in blindly. Depending on the circumstances, a Leo may choose to observe someone before making a move. Leos do like/appreciate the direct approach. We usually want a partner who can confidently move toward us.

If the Leo said you're intimidating, he could be shy (yes, shy Leos do exist). Leos are busy people, so it's best to try to make plans in advance. While Leos can be spontaneous, it's possible there are other people vying for our time. So if you ask out a Leo and they already have plans, don't take that to heart. Leos often have plans. If we reallt like you, we'll try to work around those plans.

It's possible that the Leo isn't into you, but it's also possible this is all very new and the Leo is still observing. Also Leos, like lions, will chase what we deem is valuable. Even if we know we can get something, it has to be worthwhile in our minds.

So we met about a month ago, and had been talking a little since then and finally hung out recently. Like I said I can’t tell if I’m just overthinking it or if he’s actually interested because we haven’t had many conversations since we hung out (except the ones we have, had been inquisitive). And I suppose I can usually just tell. Lol! And I guess I wasn’t sure if I should continue putting in effort or if that would scare a Leo off (as it would some men) I’m just really new to this !! Thank you for the messages it’s much appreciated. ♥️

ALSO I guess my confusion comes from the fact that the times I’ve reached out I’ve gotten little back from him, and the times he’s reached out he seems to be more conversational. 🤷‍♀️
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Side note: Leos, especially us males, are not great texters. If you're reaching out to the Leo, call him instead. The result will be better.