Capricorn man ignorning me after lying to me

**Are you a Cap?**
You'll see me post quite a bit on the Water & Earth forums ( & occasionally on the Fire/Air ones too). I grew up with a lot of them.
I grew up with & am COMPLETELY surrounded by Earth & Water sign folks. I come from a large family where everyone is either a Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer. A couple of Libras thrown in too. My closest friends are either Water or Earth signs. I'm a keen observer of human interactions/behavior and that's why I know quite a bit about Caps (my best friend is one), scorps, the bulls, the fishes & the crabs. Can't say much about Virgos as I don't know too many of them (tho' the Virgin females have that chic Audrey Hepburn thing going for them smile
From what I've observed over the years, among guys, scorps & mer-goats tend to form a solid male-bond & will often back each other up...with the mer-goat coolly keeping the scorps unstable emotions in check while the scorps introduce new business opportunities to the goats. Scorp females seem intrigued by the Earthy laidbackness of Taurus & Capricorns. Like as if they recognize that under all that earth, lies molten hot lava Big Grin
Fishy pisces guys and cap guys tend to have a love-hate relationship (whether as friends, co-workers, brothers, cousins, etc) but both somehow end up in similar situations (eg same religious functions, same taste in music, movies, same guy-type activities). Fishy girls, however, bond right away with the guy Goats. Somehow or other, they always seem to find one another. Same with Cancer women and Cap men.
Taurus guys click well with both Cap guys and Cap girls; while Taurus women tend to look up to both genders of Caps as bigger brothers/sisters....someone they can count on. There is an easy report between these hoofed creatures although the Caps, being half-fish, tend to be spiritually deeper...often introducing new spiritual venues to the bulls (Caps seem to be deeply interested in dark, mystical stuff too but I noticed they seem to keep that part of themselves well hidden)
One thing I gotta say about Libras (from observing my own family) is that both male & female Librans are willing to make sacrifices for their loved ones, especially for their children.
My Libran uncle raises 6 children and no matter how late he comes back from a hard day at work, he makes sure that at least 3 of his children are by his side while he has his dinner and while they tell him how their day went.