
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.

IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.

Lol... no one wants to smell other ppls sweaty balls

No, it's not really sweat, it's more some kind of pheromone production I think. I think more than one woman would get crazy over it and obsess over me, that's why I have to hide the scent
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Well mines be stink. And if I can smell it I know other people can smell it too. And I can't hide mines. I head straight for the showers the very second I smell it.

Like the op said, nobody wants to smell smelly balls. If yours smell sweet, lucky you. I wish mines smell sweet.