Whether he is an illegal alien or a space alien

Neither of the above as far as can be discerned. These "technicalities" were things such as a woman who signed using her maiden name because she was recently married and was still registered under her maiden name - that was a reason for disqualifying her. That's hardly either of the situations you described. Obama had people literally pick over every single signature until they found enough of these technicalities to get candidates disqualified from running. And regardless, the point still stands that if he beleieved they should be disqualified then why shouldn't he if the speculations are true? And your thread title indicates that you don't care if it's true or not, that you would still support him being president.
As for the rest of that post.... what's wrong? Don't like a legitimate challenge? Your link is useless because I very specifically said ALLEGEDLY - acknowledgin that the speculation has not been proven completely true - YET. However, if it were as simple as what that article said then there wouldn't be any investigation going on. That is only one side of the story, and I've also heard contrasting stories stating that under ultr-violet light it can be seen that his sister's name appears under his on the document.
All of this of course remains to be proven - and I have ACKNOWLEDGED that...... and what am I "yammering" about? I have tried to be polite but......are you stupid? If he is not a legal citizen [which is what is being investigated] then he lied to the people about being a citizen both when he ran and when he denied NOT being a citizen - since you can't seem to keep up with me I will point out again that I said IF.
And also IF it is true, then he is breaking the law - as indicated by the word "illegal" in illegal alien. It is illegal to reside in this country without citizenship or some grant of residency such as a resident alien status or asylum. And since our laws require that you be a legal citizen to run for president... well again.... he would then be breaking the law.
All of this again hinders on the IF and I have made no personal judgement regarding the validity of this claim......