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Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
"I actually like McCain but he had to compromise too many of his principles in order to get the Republican nomination. "
Don't get upset angel but here is why I supported Obama.
I agree. McCain could have had a fighting chance if he would of picked a better running mate. You cannot blame the American population fearing having a whack job like Palin in charge if something happened to McCain. If the American population cannot take her seriously why in the world would our international allies take her seriously or house representatives? McCain made a huge mistake putting her on the ticket and he did it for all the wrong reason.....because of gender. She is DEFINATELY no Hilary. Hilary is one smart woman who is respected in Washington and internationally. I also thought the smear campaign against Obama were way worse on Obama than on McCain. I kind of feel sorry for McCain when Biden and Obama kept pinning McCain to voting with Bush (Most unpopular president) 90% of the time. That really stuck with the American people who desperately wanted change.
I will admit working on the Obama campaign David Plouffe did a great job managing Obama's campaign. The strategy was right on center and appealed to the American populations emotions and really got in there with how the country was feeling about their lives. They definately played on American's emotions and new they needed "Hope" so that was the message. Very different from what this administration had been feeding us and also the Maverick style just did not serve McCain's campaign well. two cents
BTW - McCain was brilliant on his concession speech. I was floored and that is the McCain I love. If he would have spoke like he did that night that could of also helped on his campaign. I still have the utmost respect for McCain, however the republican party better think twice before ever putting Palin on a ticket. Smart and intelligent people could never follow a leader like that.
Lets just all come together and hope for the best as we have a lot to dig out.