Whether he is an illegal alien or a space alien

Aqui, for someone who claims to be so intelligent you have a really hard time distinguishing between when someone is making things all about them versus when they're pointing out your idiocy in general.
You continue to prove me right about you everytime you post - and the bullshit that comes from people like you around here is exactly why it's not even worth posting here anymore.
It's all yours... you can play queen of the politics board all you want - there's no actual intelligent conversation going on here because you constantly ruin any opportunity for it by claiming anyone who disagrees with you is stupid and uneducated - which IS my point by the way - not specifically anything you've said in this thread - but your general lack of tolerance for anyone that doesn't agree with you and tell you how completely brilliant and enlightened you are....
And by the way - incase you have any interest at all in why others may or may not have the level of degree you [claim to] have [which I doubt you do have an interest in, since you're stuck in your own little world there....] I have been living on my own since I was 17, I didn't get to go straight to college out of high school - I went straight to work, working two full time jobs at once, and it wasn't until recently when I got MYSELF into a position to have one full time job, pay my bills, and go to school full time that I started college for the first time. And guess what? I'm still more intelligent than you on ALL levels. And I am still continuing my education - so make no judgement of my intelligence or education; you don't know anything about me, where I am, or where I'm going in life.
Enjoy your kingdom of illusion.