Same person?

DScared NOW that this is over...
Sweetie, this is just getting started!
THREAScared "I swear to god!"
DearDiary 2/13/2008 7:10:02 AM | ip:
P-Angel if you ever fucking speak of my unborn child again. I will fucking go as far as I can to fucking hurt you! Do you fucking understand me? THIS is not laughing matter you stunned bitch, I will fucking burry your old grey ass in the ground and I will enjoy every single second of it.
I've never wanted to hurt another person in my entire life, the way I want to hurt you. Your talking about other peoples miscarriages and then mine and saying that I aborted a baby? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I would never abort a child and I am NOT ALV for the last fucking time.
It's you and the death bitch. You've fucked with the wrong woman.