Pisces woman confused by mixed signal cancer man

@P.....He's entitled that's correct but he's not alone in all of it, if he wants to be selfish and/or wants to stay in his comfort zone then he doesn't need a woman to play that out with, he can do that all by himself, if a woman wanted a guy that is too fearful and selfish to go beyond his own comfort zone, limitations and feelings we'd all have somebody.
Also Blushingpisces..Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't help but see that you started to project onto him that he was behaving differently, I feel you were becoming attached and afraid so you initiated the mixed messages behavior by initially pulling back, it's important to feel secure about yourself around men before getting involved because the first time you pull back will potentially begin this escalation of a man mirroring that back to you and everything pretty much goes downhill.
Men pull back....How you deal with it determines the fate of the future with that man. Many men pull back b/c it's the quickest way to access how serious a woman is about him, if she keep her cool then he'll relax and feel safe that she's not ahead of him, that she's secure in herself and not attempting to control how the relationship is going to be but if she does what you did which is become afraid and pull out the man typically decides to move on for a little while to let things cool down a bit so he can catch up with you. He's still around so he's interested.
Work on your insecurities and understand something about men, try to understand them so you won't panic and pull out....many men pull back for there own reasons, they don't make a woman his whole existence on a daily basis, they get caught up with there own lives, work, hobbies, friends which usually come first before a woman, if he see you don't get it then he'll politely move on, if he see you get it then he'll most likely continue to enjoy the connection he's building with you....
Don't be so quick to swim away next time....Learn how to anchor yourself by being more secure and confident in not only yourself but also in the man your choosing to be with.