how long does it take to get a virgirl there

Posted by cancerious20

I know I'm late to this one, but she may be seeing there's inconsistency with you now like there has been in the past as you said. Virgals are amazing creatures, mine leaves me speechless but the arguments do suck. We butt heads a lot but are slowing working around it. For me and mine, process-wise, about a month to a month and a half before we were official. We f*ck like rabbits too, it's ridiculous. Virgals ALWAYS have expectations. Don't lie to her, be concise and clear. The devotion they have is absolute. But only if they feel you're worth it. Try giving her something she's never had. Charm her and court her. If you guys are sexual, give her an orgasm. I gave mine one on the first night and she said I was the first guy to ever make her climax. Now she's falling for me smile Virgals are well worth it! It just takes time is all. They like the reassurance too, mine still asks for it. Mine also says similar things, she's probably testing you because she remembers the inconsistency in the past. They rarely forget too. Watch that, because they will lay in wait for you to f*ck up and trust me, you don't want them mad at you. I've known mine since my senior year of high school. She was a freshman then. We're like 5 years apart. Just give her time and don't push her.