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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
We've known each other for years as casual acquaintances(we liked each other but were both scared to tell the other)and have been chatting as more than friends for about 4 months.We see each other occasionally(lots of miles between us)otherwise our communication is through email. He tells me often he has deep feelings for me, so why when I tell him the same, does he back away? Is he scared? We've never been intimate and neither of us are in a hurry to be. Yet he has told me to do so 'would be like being in heaven with his own personal angel'. He's never tried to persue sex and says he respects me, and I believe him. He compliments me endlessly, etc., etc.I'm confused by this hot and cold, hot and cold. Can somebody help me figure him out?