Drug Addiction/ Recovery and Relationships

Posted by Ariescorpisces
Deep in my heart I know he can do all of these things, but there's a small part of me that says " what if he relapses?" What then? I'm stuck in a town with no-one in possible financial ruin? What if I had children? It all just seems impossible and so far away of us being together. But I have so much hope it all works out. UGHN. so again, letting go or holding on is a major dilemma.

Oh my-- o.O
I hate to say it, but this may not be the guy for you-- and mind you, that's just my opinion.
Not because of what he has done; he's in the program, and from what you've said, he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing.
That's really good. smile
But if you're going to live in constant fear that he will relapse-- that isn't fair to either one of you.
He might do just that; or he might not.
Who knows?
Doesn't sound like he's been sober all that long either-- some people fall a few times, even after rehab, before they begin to really put some time together-- and that's fine.
But that might make you a nervous wreck-- as it would anyone. lol
If you want to know more about living with a recovering (or active) alcoholic/addict, you can always go to a few Al-Anon meetings, and just listen.
And try more than one-- some suck, but others are outstanding.
You're pretty smart to give this so much thought.
I hope it works out for you.