Drug Addiction/ Recovery and Relationships

he is getting clean for himself, putting his recovery first, though he hopes to be with me again, he is doing what he needs to do to get right with himself and get his life together. I don't think he's doing it all for me, because surely he would fail. we had a conversation where I said he needs to be prepared if I do move on, and he said not to worry and he doesn't plan on relapsing, but of course he'd be sad. He puts God and his program above all else, which is the right path for a lot of recovering addicts. The fear I have is a rational one, but something I'd have to always remain vigilant of, however, if I did decide to be with him, I know I would have to relinquish any control over the matter. Trust that things will be okay, and if a relapse did occur be aware and set boundaries. It's just a risk. You take a risk for anyone you love, or loving at all for that matter... at least I know what I'm getting myself into for the most part? He is loyal as all hell. I just wish the answer was more clear. Addiction is such a strange disease, had it been cancer I'd stuck by his side no doubt ( I am cancer survivor and know he would stick by me) but addiction makes your cause injustice to others.. ughn I don't know!