Are All Cancers Tight With Their Money?

Me2u4ever's mate-----I am a cancer and went 4 yewars without a microwave and yes I was proud of the fact that I never needed it. I would rather retire early than have a new car (ever). I spend lots of money on my partner but on neccesities not on entertainment. When money is tight I have to feel safe abvout having the money for next 2 loan payments in bank before I will allow myself to binge spend on junk. When I splurge on my girl sometimes she feels she should sppend the money she was going to before I payed for her Items. So she then goes and picks something out that we do not need and I get upset because I was trying to save her some money but she spends it regardless on items she thinks useful.
There are things in the house that you don't need. I only care for the necessities. I am not happy unless I have 2 pay checks in bank. When I am this rich I will spend on stupid stuff, not really stupid just not nessesities (live check to check with 2 checks always in bank)The cash gives me freedom to do anything atleast in my head I believe it.