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Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
All i know is that him being hot and cold, whether it is intentional or not. It will begin to wear away the closeness i feel towards him. I will being seeing him again soon and i am just going to pretty much do the list thing. bring up things that are important to me in a relationship. ask how he feels about certain things etc...if he wants to be shy, play hard to get, avoid the questions or whatever, i am just going to take what all i get from him and decide from there. I feel like he deeply cares for me but he has hangups or concerns that i need to understand. whether this is a new experience or he is afraid closeness will take away from his freedom or if he just has cold feet about taking it to the next level, whatever it is, i just need to have a clue. because like i said, i am making myself a priority, i need to do what it best for me in the long haul. sacrifice happens sometime in relationships, but like i said earlier, if things aren't a two way street then there is imbalance and problems...