Finally a proper first date. Here's The Plan. ( Pisces Women Would You....)

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Let us know how it turns out.

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I'll let you know around December 28th, 2017 if she got on the plane.