Posted by BadBoyLinks to story pleasePosted by lnana04I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..Posted by BadBoyPosted by cheekyfaerieThe problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.
In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.
Why should we have to?
I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.
When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.
What happens with the not putting the ego aside is death. Two cap women that have been life long friends commit suicide bc of some bs. When you guys are down you are really so down you can not even begin to talk to no one. It was like you see ya cap friend, you have this convo about what is wrong then an hour later she is dead. Such a sad revolving to expand