HELP! How to know if Capricorn man is interested in you or is just nice because of his good nature?

This one will be very long sorry!

I think I created this topic before but I don’t think it got posted (it’s my first day here so I may have missclicked something).

In any case this one will be very long read. But I genuinely have no idea what to do. So let me give you some information so you would see where I am coming from.

I am Pisces, he is Capricorn. We are coworkers, but work in different departments. I am researcher he works in events. So different yet kinda the same work area. He is 4 years older than me (so not by a lot). I am 26 

This whole weird “dancing” is happening for two years now (granted last year he was just out of long term relationship so it was natural that he was figuring out his life again). Also important note his work hours are absolutely crazy as well as he just bought apartment so he is doing all construction work by himself. So he is absolutely busy as hell… Anyhow…

Now I will explain my predicament.

When me and him are together either at work events, or company parties he is like the sweetest person ever. He will run and get me a chair, he will make sure that I always have a drink. During last company party he managed to find me the type of drink I wanted almost in complete darkness. One coworker was heavily hitting on me so as a joke I put my hand on my Capricorns hand (like on the elbow part) and smiling said sorry I will use you as my shield for a bit. He understood that and the moment that coworker would approach he hugged me and so on. Later on he basically started doing the same thing even if others would do it. Even though I didn’t ask him to do that. He spend all party with me. He was so “protective” in a good way. When he and other coworkers decided to go and have a smoke and I said I will go outside for a moment to take in fresh cold air (its very cold in my country during winter) he refused to let me do it, since he said that I will catch a flue. Than when finally I said fine, I won’t go it’s ok go I will be here, he refused to go himself even though I know he wanted and he stayd with me.

When some coworkers would make friendly jokes that me and him are couple and so on he never let them know that we are not, and I was the one who would say ohh noo noo no we are not.

Moreover, we had some very very sweet and almost romantic moments, but then he would turn into very playfull and ruin them by messing up my hair (like you would do to a child) and giggling when I would make faces like really wow really? I mean it was cute and definitely not something that he does usually but still.

Anyways after the party I called him to make sure he got home safely (since me and other 3 coworkers live on the same street he knew I will be ok) but he was going home alone. So I called him (it was 3 am by the way) and we talked for good 1 hour until 4 am. He didn’t try to stop conversation and so on, even though he had to go to work tomorrow early in the morning.

I even said thank you for spending the party with me and said sorry if because of me he didn’t get a chance to spend time with others or maybe find some girl. To which he answered: “hey if I would have felt bad or bored I would have “disappeared” or removed myself from situation”. Which is sweet but doesn’t directly say hey I LIKE YOU.

Obviously one of things that I thought about that maybe he is just sweet person and acts with all females like that. But no. My other female coworkers actually think he is kinda cold and even bit cocky (which in my mind seems like complete opposite of what I experience with him). He is a bit friendlier with those with whom he spends more time, but still not even close.

Damn one time he even did a cartwheel on the stage after the event, kinda showing that he can do it (since the dancer during even was doing them). Which is tottaly not what he does usually. He is always calm, friendly but cold in work place, he rarely does anything even close to what he did. That tottaly blew my mind. The only people that were in the room (when he did that) was me and my other coworker who is a man and was doing his own thing. Funny enough that day (prior to him doing that) I talked with my other coworker a lot (which he saw), since I genuinely was tired of my emotions being all over the place, so it felt safe to socialize with other one just on friendly terms. So when Capricorn did that I was shocked. Now looking back I am wondering was this his way to impress me, on other hand maybe he was just being playfull and would have done it even if I would have not been there.

Ok so why I am here asking? Well… Like I said when we are face to face or talking on the phone he is amazing. But when we are not it’s like I don’t exist to him. He never calls, or writes first. But if I do he answers (granted sometimes he misses a message or answers kinda slow but for the most part he does) and is sweet and tries to carry conversation. When I asked him that maybe he would like to meet outside of the work. He said we will see (which is never a good sign).

But than once during conversation when I made a joke “well not to myself never go to your place once you will be done with all the constructions”, he made a joke back basically saying that hey I should.

Another thing is If I flirt with him he asks me further and so on, but he never shows me his true feelings. So he carries conversation and so on and makes me go into more detail but he never truly gives me any feedback that I would like to get.

All of this makes me wonder.

Maybe he is just being really nice because he respects me and so on. Or maybe he likes me but he thinks that he could find someone better. Maybe between his crazy work hours (sometimes he starts at 8 am and is at home at like 3 am at night) not to mention the whole apartment being constructed he just doesn’t want to add me on top of things. Or maybe I am not interesting enough for him to try.

I am sooo confused. One thing in the past was that I can read people soo fast. 10 min and I can see through them. But with him I can’t. All my relationships ended because I would see through them fast, and would get bored or see qualities that I wouldn’t be able to deal with in a long run. But with him it’s like he is closed book. I am used to being the one who gets calls, or gets texts or gets offers so with him I feel like fish out of the water (no pun intended ). I don’t know should I continue showing affection or should stop. How to know if I don’t look like creepy obsessed girl?

And now his birthday is coming up, I have perfect gift in mind, something that we joked about and he would never ever expect to actually get from me. But if he doesn’t like me and I will give him that kind, kinda expensive, gift he might feel awkward or be creped out. I mean we never even met outside the work. But that gift would be sooo perfect… ech… (by the way the gift is a sword, since I am archaeologist he always made jokes that heyyyyy come onnnn give me a sword, you have sooo many of them. He said that just to say so he knew that is not possible. But if I would actually get him a sword I feel like it would really surprise him and definitely would be something that no one ever got him).

I am sooo confused… Pleaseeee someone tell me what do you think. Do you think he likes me? Or not… I just don’t seem to be able to figure him out…