What are the lessons you have learned from relationships ?

Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Dear god, eleven years with a man who did not have a backbone, and married to him.

I understand the use of neutrality especially if the perpetrator within the situation, may become dangerous, such as physically harming you and your child.

However, in most cases, who else would he protect, but himself ?

That makes for a very selfish individual by the sounds of it.

nikkistar, I hope you are in a better place now.

He had NEVER been in a fight in his entire life.

I will give you an example of just how passive this guy is. When we first married, I moved to a small town in California called Ukiah. After one of his softball games, we went to the bar, and some random guy came up to me and called me a racial slur. Guess who stood up for me? Not him, didn't even raise an eye. His cousin, Josh, that was standing right next to him did, and was the one that said something to the guy. This was day to day to him, and he still is the same. I once told him he treated strangers better than he treated me. His response was "Well they haven't done anything to make me mad before."

That is the jist of my ex in a nutshell.

But I am in a very good place now. I am with a man that is calm and collected and allows me to fight for myself because I want to, but steps in right away when he sees I can't.

That is how I know I require it now in my life, because as pathetic as it may sound, finally having a man that does that is a breath of fresh air and entirely appreciated.