Scorpio Man has Broken up with Me 117 Times in A Year

Posted by crawlbaby
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.

Sl*t shaming, seriously? Must be nice to have a normal uprinting

Obviously you have no issues. Must be nice. I'm done with you people and this board. Have fun with your little PG 13 board where it's apparently not acceptable to post real problems without being judged and insulted. I'm out.Y'all can go f***k yourselves except the 5 of you who didn't respond to my question like arrogant teenagers.

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She can count! To 5 at least...