Scorpio Man has Broken up with Me 117 Times in A Year

Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
click to expand
You do not have to relate, what Elly and I have shared thus far is that there are those who were stripped. We were merely sharing another possibility.

Every abusive case is unique in its own, no one abused 'victim' is in a worser place as compared to the other. In her case, there may have been many factors which have caused her to be in the situation in which she is in.

I am more than aware that abuse comes in all sorts of forms, many of us here have seen and / or been through abuse but it does not make one above the other because of their experiences.

You have your strength in dealing with the abuse, and to hear how she deals with her experiences may have trigger your anger because you managed to fight your way out of it. Know this, maybe she is on her own journey to recovery, maybe she is not. Until she gets professional help, in order to sort it out. We will not know what that issue truly is.

That is all, I am not saying either one is correct.