Scorpio Man has Broken up with Me 117 Times in A Year

Posted by PeanutButterandElly

Eh no worries. I'm inclined to disagree. But you know, the Internet so who knows.

Abuse is such a highly subjective experience though, making it incredibly hard to address it objectively across the board as a result.
Most definitely. Like LadyScorpio stated, if the OP is indeed a person and not a troll, then her problems need to be addressed on a professional level, not on a forum with random strangers.

I mean, she created an account today, and her first post was this. It is hard for me to take anyone seriously that divulges this level of their personal lives for the public to read. That's why I am inclined more to believe she is a troll, than looking at her as an actual person. At this point, I see her as a "thing". Wrong or not.