Police shoot and kill pregnant black mother of four who called them for help regarding a break in...

Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by TheTinMan
why the fuck was she threatening the officers for? what was her reasoning for her with knives? she should know these crooked cops gone shoot her thinking their lives in danger. if that theory is true she the one had that coming.
People can't read.

The incident with the pruning shears is completely separate incidents. She called the cops for help. They shot her dead with her kids in the house.
my question is why they shot her? did she advance them with knives? look I'm just going by what I'm reading from p Angel. I know she probably wrong and probably assuming that's what you or the press said. for now that's the only information there is to go by until I click on that link and read the whole story.

Read the op. Until then shut up.
ok so they repeatedly told her to get back and they blasted her. it is totally fucked up what they did and no they had no f'ing right to do that. still besides the point tho. she should have just obeyed them and stayed put. but nooo she had to keep coming. but still doesn't give them the right to shoot her dead especially if she was unarmed. just goes to show that cops today are a bunch of pussies to shoot and kill an unarm pregnant woman. fucking pathetic.

click to expand
Cops are know to yell out "stay back!" or "don't move" right before they waste a person of color. Watch the video I posted of above...same shit.