Posted by RedbullIt took me a while to even come to the conclusion that this was the reason, just wanted to see other Taurus input on this. Ithank you!Posted by EighthHouseI think you already pretty much answered part of this. "I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me". I take it this guy's been around for a while and picked things up. This is a pretty easy reason he doesnt bring you around his friends.
My bf never posts pics of us on social media and barely brings me around his friends, unless we go on a double date. He'll tag me sometimes, but that's all. Now I'm not saying any of these are deal breakers, and it doesn't really bug me (it did in the beginning but I've learned not to let it bother me) but I'm just curious as to why he does this? I overthink a lot, and I used to think maybe he's ashamed of my looks or something. But when I do see his friends they all always tell me he talks about me a lot, and is proud to have me as his girl. I'm wondering, does he do this because he's afraid his friends will try to hit on me? I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me when we broke up for a while, and when we first met, his older brother tried to hit on me. Is he just being protective? Do you know any Taurus who do this?
I dont know how relavent this is but I dont have any social media. Part of it is probably I didnt come up in that era but its not something I have taken too. I dont like the idea of putting any pictures up of me or anybody I know like that so I to expand