1 or 2, but 4 psychics...

This topic was created in the Psychics forum by shortii on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 and has 4 replies.
All telling me the same thing? None are with the same "service" or "company". All have told me the same thing? Does this really mean something or what? I've heard of one person telling you something to goad you on, but if they are ALL telling me the same thing w/ time frames and everything? Then what?
It brings us back to the time/space thing
are they one
or are they two things
are can they be two that at times join as one?
my head hurts
@M- Nope. I asked vague questions about a situation, but they all gave me very specific and similar answers that were right on target. They all gave me the same time frame as well.
@James- after reading that.. my head hurts too..LOL
@Impress- I hope that it does mean that. But only the Universe knows.
I'll keep you updated to see if it's correct.
Posted by shortii
@M- Nope. I asked vague questions about a situation, but they all gave me very specific and similar answers that were right on target. They all gave me the same time frame as well.
@James- after reading that.. my head hurts too..LOL
@Impress- I hope that it does mean that. But only the Universe knows.
I'll keep you updated to see if it's correct.


So what happened????????

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