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Oct 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 38
Anyone ever has a psychic reading?
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 756 · Topics: 66
Wasn't it kind of interesting growing up with a mom that could do something so unusual? I would think that her gift would create many different reactions from for example your friends.
She sounds like she is able to do what they call channeling, you know make a connection that others cant. Please share more about your mom, I am very interested in more about her life and how it must be so different to be able to connect like that. That is if you dont mind sharing about it that is.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 756 · Topics: 66
Thanks for sharing, I still find it curious that some people seem to have the ability to know or see things while others do not. I am much like you in my beliefs, but there are things that I have witnessed that can not be explained a away.
Here is an example: When my mother was in the hospital in CCU before she died after having a stroke. There was an odd event that happened not once but three times within the six weeks. I was the first to see the event (as did three of her nurses that were in her room. We were trying to move her to a new room and she was very upset when I noticed a lady bug on her blanket. I had said wow that is odd, were on the third (no open windows) floor and its January how the heck could it get in here. One of the nurses looked at me and pointed up to the light just over her bed. I looked up to see about twelve more lady bugs on the light.
Then within a couple of minutes they were gone without any of them taking flight. They moved her again into another private room in CCU and my sister said that all of the sudden lady bugs were coming out of every corner and flying a round. And again they were gone a few minutes later.
On the night my mom passed on my dad was home getting ready for bed. He was sitting up in his bed and noticed a lady bug on his blanket. He got out of bed and turned to see a bout 12 or so more on light above his head. He had been thinking about my mom at the time. Again they were gone just a minute later.
So you see the events do clearly indicate that things happen that cannot be explained. I feel that it was my grandmother trying to let us know that mom was going to be ok, and it was just her time to go.
One time would have been strange enough to explain away, but three can not be disregarded I believe. So maybe there is some food for thought for all who read my story.
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
No... I'm cautious of whom I allow to spek into,over my life like that.... and I don't know what kind of spirit they carry... thats just me though
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
No, never had a reading done.. i'm cautious too, i'd rather read myself - through tarot/ancient runes, etc; that way i can ask the questions i only want answered..'it's more private that way, too. I mean who wants to know everything, anyway? Some things better left to fate..
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Jun 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 142 · Topics: 35
Ive been blessed to have come across gifted people who helped me over the years,and yes some people are very genuine 100% , I wouldn't call the ones I know or knew psy. they fall into another category altogether. The ones on these 800 numbers etc, they are mostly fakes speak in general terms etc..
You really need a personal ref. from some one who has exp. with professional and accurate readers etc..Sometimes not every one is willing to share that info, fr obvious reasons.
Yes, I have had several. Although they are all vague some are more on point or intuitive than others.
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Aug 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 85
terroleo, what the h** are you talking about, a little venting huh?
I know they caution against reading yourself, but when I'm in the right state of mind, I can transfer myself into any person and read their thoughts for that moment. Sometimes, I try and fight it but the feeling of what they're going through burns through me and days, sometimes only hours later, I hear about their dilemma.
I tend to play solitare to ease my feelings. The card game has been pretty accurate it organizing my thoughts and feelings, all the while predicting the outcome.