Auras/energy fields

This topic was created in the Metaphysical forum by brianafay on Sunday, January 14, 2018 and has 36 replies.
I recently sat down with my Libra’s step mom in regards to our relationship with her and my father in law and she mentioned that he had an aura reading done and was told he has one of the biggest energy fields they’ve ever seen and that this is what causes him problems with personal relationships because his energy is intrusive and repels people.

I just want to say I feel extremely validated by this. When I met him 14+ years ago I cried and said he has horrible energy.

I always thought it was just because he a gemini that I couldn’t stand his I know it’s because he actually legitimately has bad energy. He makes me physically uncomfortable even when - and maybe even especially when - he is being nice.

Anyone have experience with an aura that is too large? Can this be corrected?

How and why does this happen?
Posted by ManInTheMoon
Don't change bri. Ever.
Lol I’m serious

Can he be fixed or is he just a lost cause? Let him go?
Posted by ManInTheMoon
Don't change bri. Ever.
Yes, stay in those filthy clothes the rest of your days
Posted by clownloyal
some ppl just flies man they wanna stick to you but they get swapped, it all depends on what type of person he is good or bad? is he in touch spiritually, does he have good intentions?

if ppl have a superficial outlook to life and are selfish then yeah they're bound to have a bad aura no one is going to want to be near you, the universe works in frequencies don't forget that we also emit those vibes to the world and to others

Um I used to think he was just straight up an awful human but in recent years I’ve looked at him differently and I think he’s probably just a very damaged person. I won’t pretend to know much about his life but he acts like a deeply insecure person who overcompensates by being an asshole in the name of “straightforward” and not beating around the bush. Which is ironic since he’s the type that takes everything personal and finds reasons to be offended by nothing. You’d think he’d appreciate honesty himself but he takes everything as a criticism.

Also very self interested - Ive never known him to do anything for anyone unless it benefitted him somehow...sees people as resources, etc. including his own kids. Everything is conditional with him.

His latest stunt he pulled was pulling me aside at the wedding and telling me that he would like to take us to dinner to give us our wedding gift

(when everyone else who wanted to give us a gift just brought it like normal people)

then I hear from my sister in law that he has a check for us but it will “depend on whether or not his son decides to have a relationship with him or not” 🙄 fuck off dude keep your bad check and bad energy

Btw we committed to having dinner with them tonight in an attempt to “start new”

Is there a blessing or something I can say over myself ??lmao

I know I said lmao but I’m not joking
I feel like if dude found someone to do his aura reading he can find someone to help correct that shit
Posted by DeadInside
lost cause people never change, but i authorize you to give a L to gemini board if that help you
They’re at maximum L capacity already

And I don’t even feel better about it
ah Bri... im glad you have some sort of validation for how youve been feeling in regards to him. now that you all are aware of his energy, i think it's a good time to bury the hatchet so to speak. I'd keep it brief bc knowledge of this energy is the first step in keeping it in check but it wont happen overnight. I'd go just to feel him out now that he is aware, and to get any well wishes he may extend. you dont have to make it an extensive visit but it is a perfect time to work on your boundaries and tact with him. just try to listen. get what you can from it and then leave and give it time. i think with time, space, and regular communication that you can have a relationship with him even if you dont like him. who knows this could be a changing moment for him. and it might not. just keep a positive outlook and a strong, loving exterior. i hope it all goes well!!
Posted by AbbyNormal
ah Bri... im glad you have some sort of validation for how youve been feeling in regards to him. now that you all are aware of his energy, i think it's a good time to bury the hatchet so to speak. I'd keep it brief bc knowledge of this energy is the first step in keeping it in check but it wont happen overnight. I'd go just to feel him out now that he is aware, and to get any well wishes he may extend. you dont have to make it an extensive visit but it is a perfect time to work on your boundaries and tact with him. just try to listen. get what you can from it and then leave and give it time. i think with time, space, and regular communication that you can have a relationship with him even if you dont like him. who knows this could be a changing moment for him. and it might not. just keep a positive outlook and a strong, loving exterior. i hope it all goes well!!

Thank you 🙏🏻

I’m really going to try

He doesn’t have to be my best friend or anything but it would be nice if I could be in the same room with him without searching for an escape route the entire time

His wife is an awesome positive Leo woman

Really I am doing this for her because I know she wants a family

Bri, is he going to have you a hostage for like after you accept his gift?

Think about it...maybe you should refuse?

He sounds sick minded man...
Posted by Gemitati
Bri, is he going to have you a hostage for like after you accept his gift?

Think about it...maybe you should refuse?

He sounds sick minded man...

Oh we are definitely refusing and yes that is how he is.

He feels people take advantage of him...

That he gives and gives and people just take and take

So far removed from reality it is not even funny but whatever he can choose to live in delusion

We already told his wife that we would not be accepting any gifts from them period

Posted by JustOneDay
Now is an aura something that is just how you come off? Or is it your true personality? I wasnt aware a person can change their aura. Im pretty sure that is something that sticks with you for life? Not something you could ever change. But I dont know much about aura. But Im pretty sure my aura is bad too. Because people seem to not ger close to me.
I think your energy field is different than personality

It’s basically your vibration if that makes sense

Everything has an aura I believe - even plants and inanimate objects

Could be wrong, I’m no expert either
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Gemitati
Bri, is he going to have you a hostage for like after you accept his gift?

Think about it...maybe you should refuse?

He sounds sick minded man...

Oh we are definitely refusing and yes that is how he is.

He feels people take advantage of him...

That he gives and gives and people just take and take

So far removed from reality it is not even funny but whatever he can choose to live in delusion

We already told his wife that we would not be accepting any gifts from them period

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It’s weird that this woman married him...
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Gemitati
Bri, is he going to have you a hostage for like after you accept his gift?

Think about it...maybe you should refuse?

He sounds sick minded man...

Oh we are definitely refusing and yes that is how he is.

He feels people take advantage of him...

That he gives and gives and people just take and take

So far removed from reality it is not even funny but whatever he can choose to live in delusion

We already told his wife that we would not be accepting any gifts from them period

It’s weird that this woman married him...
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😂we say that all the time

I even said this to her when she was telling me about his large repulsive aura

I was like how does someone like you work with someone like that ?? She laughed but then basically said the same could be said for me and my Libra

But there is no comparison
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Gemitati
Bri, is he going to have you a hostage for like after you accept his gift?

Think about it...maybe you should refuse?

He sounds sick minded man...

Oh we are definitely refusing and yes that is how he is.

He feels people take advantage of him...

That he gives and gives and people just take and take

So far removed from reality it is not even funny but whatever he can choose to live in delusion

We already told his wife that we would not be accepting any gifts from them period

It’s weird that this woman married him...
😂we say that all the time

I even said this to her when she was telling me about his large repulsive aura

I was like how does someone like you work with someone like that ?? She laughed but then basically said the same could be said for me and my Libra

But there is no comparison
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So these two are match in Heaven!

If she able to laugh - Godspeed!

Are you meeting him for dinner? Good luck! Pay for it! Or he will have another hole in his belt for ‘feeding newly married’...poor guy...smh

Some try to take advantage by controlling people this way.

A manager I worked with had her energy/aura flooding the entire building.

She did this to take control and grab a handle of things but was unaware

of the consequences since this type of aura influences fear, anxiety and

anger in everyone else. Not really being mindful or aware of this

she was not allowed to work at the store afterwards.

An old friend of mine mother had this as well.

Posted by brianafay
Posted by AbbyNormal
ah Bri... im glad you have some sort of validation for how youve been feeling in regards to him. now that you all are aware of his energy, i think it's a good time to bury the hatchet so to speak. I'd keep it brief bc knowledge of this energy is the first step in keeping it in check but it wont happen overnight. I'd go just to feel him out now that he is aware, and to get any well wishes he may extend. you dont have to make it an extensive visit but it is a perfect time to work on your boundaries and tact with him. just try to listen. get what you can from it and then leave and give it time. i think with time, space, and regular communication that you can have a relationship with him even if you dont like him. who knows this could be a changing moment for him. and it might not. just keep a positive outlook and a strong, loving exterior. i hope it all goes well!!

Thank you 🙏🏻

I’m really going to try

He doesn’t have to be my best friend or anything but it would be nice if I could be in the same room with him without searching for an escape route the entire time

His wife is an awesome positive Leo woman

Really I am doing this for her because I know she wants a family

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aw babe your heart is in the right place so i think you're doing all you really can. im the same way, we dont have to like each other... but cant we learn to get along?? 😅
if youre really feeling the mom in law you could try gifting her some stones that might help her project her own beautiful aura and maybe block negativity. its a stretch but it works for some...
Some people have messy energy

Either learn to shield and protect yourself around them

Or even better still......stay away from them

They are draining

Posted by Aju

Some try to take advantage by controlling people this way.

A manager I worked with had her energy/aura flooding the entire building.

She did this to take control and grab a handle of things but was unaware

of the consequences since this type of aura influences fear, anxiety and

anger in everyone else. Not really being mindful or aware of this

she was not allowed to work at the store afterwards.

An old friend of mine mother had this as well.

Yeah apparently he wasn’t aware as he had never even heard of auras

The aura reader asked him if he feels like when he walks into a room people are repelled by him and he was just like wow yeah everything makes so much sense now

I about fell about my chair hearing this story.

I been saying this for years and everyone blew me off. I’m not even an aura reader and I can tell he’s just messy
Posted by MyStarsShine
Some people have messy energy

Either learn to shield and protect yourself around them

Or even better still......stay away from them

They are draining

That has been my technique for the most part

He usually has to legit corner me to get me to talk to him 😅

I just feel bad for his wife because I know she really wants a family - she has no kids of her own - and she’s a wonderful compassionate person
Posted by brianafay
Btw we committed to having dinner with them tonight in an attempt to “start new”

Is there a blessing or something I can say over myself ??lmao

I know I said lmao but I’m not joking

Smudge before and after, especially after to help remove his energy.

Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
The aura reader didn't tell him how to fix it?

Maybe I have this problem, I repel ppl because they feel I'm intense or something
Idk she did say he was “working on things” so maybe they did tell him how to fix it ?

She didn’t say much else and I was fighting to find compassion for this man who I have pretty much considered the spawn of Satan for much of the time we’ve known each other

Posted by xyinsaturn
Heavy karmic energy

He might not be the originap source for it to be that heavy.

Has he always been like that since childhood?
No clue

His father is a real asshole too. So I am sure he has inherited it and/or created it as self preservation

A lot of his actions seem to be in the interest of self preservation - warranted or not.
Posted by justagirl
Posted by brianafay
Btw we committed to having dinner with them tonight in an attempt to “start new”

Is there a blessing or something I can say over myself ??lmao

I know I said lmao but I’m not joking

Smudge before and after, especially after to help remove his energy.

click to expand

How does one smudge ?

Posted by brianafay
Posted by justagirl
Posted by brianafay
Btw we committed to having dinner with them tonight in an attempt to “start new”

Is there a blessing or something I can say over myself ??lmao

I know I said lmao but I’m not joking

Smudge before and after, especially after to help remove his energy.

How does one smudge ?

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Sage, cedar etc . Most use it to clean bad or weird energy from places or things.

Also you might like this , I know it's his aura but can do this after meeting him. Star mentioned shielding, I don't know how to do that. Maybe she does. All I know is it's supposed to keep others energy away from your core.
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Aju

Some try to take advantage by controlling people this way.

A manager I worked with had her energy/aura flooding the entire building.

She did this to take control and grab a handle of things but was unaware

of the consequences since this type of aura influences fear, anxiety and

anger in everyone else. Not really being mindful or aware of this

she was not allowed to work at the store afterwards.

An old friend of mine mother had this as well.

Yeah apparently he wasn’t aware as he had never even heard of auras

The aura reader asked him if he feels like when he walks into a room people are repelled by him and he was just like wow yeah everything makes so much sense now

I about fell about my chair hearing this story.

I been saying this for years and everyone blew me off. I’m not even an aura reader and I can tell he’s just messy
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You should ask them if they will be more open

to what you have to say now lol.

Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by brianafay
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
The aura reader didn't tell him how to fix it?

Maybe I have this problem, I repel ppl because they feel I'm intense or something
Idk she did say he was “working on things” so maybe they did tell him how to fix it ?

She didn’t say much else and I was fighting to find compassion for this man who I have pretty much considered the spawn of Satan for much of the time we’ve known each other

Spawn of satan? So he actively says mean things or literally it's just his energy and hes unaware?
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that's what i am wondering too. what did he do to make you this bad feeling? and why does leo step mom like it?

Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by brianafay
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
The aura reader didn't tell him how to fix it?

Maybe I have this problem, I repel ppl because they feel I'm intense or something
Idk she did say he was “working on things” so maybe they did tell him how to fix it ?

She didn’t say much else and I was fighting to find compassion for this man who I have pretty much considered the spawn of Satan for much of the time we’ve known each other

Spawn of satan? So he actively says mean things or literally it's just his energy and hes unaware?
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No he’s also very confrontational

and 90% of the interactions I had with him in the first 10 years were mostly negative or ended that

He’s been just awful to my Libra

Multiple physical altercations even

Posted by xyinsaturn
Posted by brianafay
Posted by xyinsaturn
Heavy karmic energy

He might not be the originap source for it to be that heavy.

Has he always been like that since childhood?
No clue

His father is a real asshole too. So I am sure he has inherited it and/or created it as self preservation

A lot of his actions seem to be in the interest of self preservation - warranted or not.
So it sounds like he carries the karma of his parents. Sometimes, the energy that the parents create at home becomes the environment for the child.

I bet if we see the charts it will show the karmic energy in the house. Possibly 4th or 12th.

Sometimes, if all options has been exhausted with this person you just have to wait until they cross over and hope their next life would start off with love.

Has anyone tried energy cleansing/renewal for him?

Although since he is a dual sign, there still might be hope for him. He is aware of his shit but trapped in his head. The yin in him is extremely vulnerable.

If you ever gift him, give him plants.

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That’s funny- that’s what his wife always gives me

She must just really get him

I survived
It was actually pleasant - we didn’t talk about any issues - just chatted

It seems he had his shit reeled in because I didn’t find him as repulsive
Posted by brianafay
It was actually pleasant - we didn’t talk about any issues - just chatted

It seems he had his shit reeled in because I didn’t find him as repulsive
Niiiiiccee glad you enjoyed !

I think he’s working with someone because we have had two interactions with him now that didnt overwhelm or drain me

So I guess I got my answer

You can fix it !
Posted by Taniwha
Bring a spray bottle full of holy water next time you see him

I always threaten my Libra with a spray bottle when he gets rowdy

Too funny

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