
This topic was created in the Metaphysical forum by Bella79 on Friday, November 7, 2008 and has 5 replies.
OK. I had this dream last night.
I dreamed of my ex- pisces. He was laying under a black blanket trying to hide from me. Then I asked him to get up and get out of my bedroom. And what is he doing here . He got up and he was naked and then he started to play with his penis.

just a few minutes ago I got a court summon for something he did. Apperently he raped a girl while we were together 4 years ago...
forgot to say ....
a few months back a psychic told me that this guy will get me into a lot of trouble. but I should not worry because he will get whats comming to him. I didn't think anything of it at that time.
Beacause all I was interested in was that my Libra will be back. She told me about the cancer that will come into my life , then another guy and only after these 2 men will my libra be back....That's all I wanted to hear the rest just went over my head....
Are psychics really true?
I am sorry little off the tangent post, but I am really curious. I've never met one. What do they use and how is it that they can give you a reading on the phone too? It is all too mysterious!
Sorry, have not been on for a while.
Having fun and are very happy with my cancer.I met another guy(we work together) that likes me but I very much committed to my Cancer.
And yes, my libra pitched up this weekend.His mom passed away a year ago. And he says I make him think of her. I am not so sure that I want him back now. Cancer is great we talk things out when we have problems, we compromise and we do things together. But we do give each other our space as well.
Where libra, the moment he is not happy or things don't going his way. He is gone untill the next time.
She reads ordinary cards.She was spot on about alot of things .She told me my libra will be back and I will not want him.But when she told me all that . All that matter to me was that he will be back. And I could not think of my life without him in it.
Don't get me wrong I care about him.And when I am around him. It just feels right, like he is a part of me.like he completes me. But sometimes love is really not enough!! And I am scared to death of going through all that drama with him again.
Oh,and the physic told my friend , that something will happen to her that will hurt her alot. And that there is other women in her relationship.She didn't believe it because they live together.And they spend so much time together that she could not perceive when he got the time to play around.Turns out he had 2 another girlfriends and one of the woman is pregnant by him- 6 months now.

((how is your friend? it must be hard...))
She is not taking it very well. She moved out for a while. And one day when she went and picked up something from his place . Another woman was living with him.
My psychic is it quiet an elderly woman. Have not seen her for awhile.I decided to just live my life.And see where things go.