
This topic was created in the Metaphysical forum by Dogs on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 and has 27 replies.
Is It Really Just A Popularity Contest??
I only have 25 people on mine, but at least i know them all personally
Some people seem to have hundreds!!!!!!!
Let's Discuss!
Coz theyre not really friends, thats why!
theyre just cyber chat buddies who'll probably NEVER meet.
Theres a difference between "Friends" and "Acquaintances"
i think alot of ppl think it's a popularity contest.
i only have 16 friends on there. they are either family, friends i have now, or friends i've had in the past. but i know everyone of them personally.
myspace is another one that's like that. i've seen some that have over 1,000 friends. lol!
fuck face book it sucks
I have three, and I am not reaily that happy with the three I got, an x lover , a drunk. the x lovers daughter who wants us back together so she can get rid of mum. it sucks
LOL yeah i just read someones headline:
I Am Making A Chocolate Cake!!!
Who Cares?????????
I got a e mail on face book a poll dancer
you are right about that
"I have three, and I am not reaily that happy with the three I got, an x lover , a drunk. the x lovers daughter who wants us back together so she can get rid of mum. it sucks"

My housemate has about 700 "Friends", He was logged in and had to go "wee wee's" so i had a quick look on his laptop.
Thats S**T!!
I know that he hardly knows anyone.
I reckon he justs "Collects People"
HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cheating not that many people like or hate me.
Ill pass I don't talk to a lot of people just make make wise ass remarks.
OOoO... well I have a lot of acquaintances on mine. Also, all my friends are from Florida, I like to keep in touch with them. I currently don't have a phone (getting a new one) so it comes in handing when talking to friends. I like facebook better than myspace and only because more of my friends are on it.
Facebook is a bit pointless, and I'm sure people don't care about my daily status updates, but I don't really care I still like wasting my time on it. Tongue

Its A Sad State Of Affairs When You Lose "11" Friends Off Your List....
And You "STILL" Cant Figure Out Who They Were ..... LOL
Face book is totally bullshit and waste of time you guys have no idea what the hell is the face book and twitter and what hell is doing with your puter.
A friend of mine was starting to go through a nasty divorce so she yanked / cancelled her account while she went through it to avoid any shenanigans from her soon to be ex-husband's lawyer.
I know on my Facebook page, many of my old associates and friends put up some OLD pictures of our drinking days and other incriminating evidence Tongue
Posted by super powers...ACTIVATE!
Who plays Farm Town? Plow plow plow? lmao

*Mutters* Stupid ass Farm Town *And now goes OFF to tend to his crops*
(Oh its fucking sick. I also have Farm Ville and Barn Buddy)
Haha my whole family play farmville and try to drag me in by sending gifts etc...not my cup of tea...I play holden texas poker!!! And with that comes fending off the guys trying to hook up!!!????? What's with that? If i wanted to internet date I'd join a dating site like zooosk!
Posted by Archer
.... hahahahahah...
I have been bombarded with Chickens from my little cousin (not that little she is.. 16, AQUA of course).. I used to think that is a Gift like gifts you can send,, yesterday she showed me her farm, she is on level 23.. and a lovely beautiful farm...,

what would I do with so many chickens,, start the biggest, state of the art, absolutely worldclass poultry farm and sell eggs to farmer neighbours.. (I seem to have so many neighbour, when did that happen)..

ps: I am done with chicken,, if anyone has a Rooster, PM me for info on how to send it to me ,, Tongue

I can send you Roosters too I think! No more frakking TREE's though!
People say Myspace is a populatrity contest. I think Facebook is a little less annoying because you can find family members and old high school friends so easily with it. It's more for networking with people you actually known that Myspace is in my opinion.
Oh, lookie what I found:http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8456292284
Not entirely sure what I think about that yet.
myspace is better.
I don't know why people play farming. thats boring, and they have too many copycats.
I go on mousehunt, fish wrangler, my fairyland and other MMPOGs, but because I can just leave them there to rot and nothing dies.. just come back whenever..
I gave up farmville or farmtown, whatever when my whole load of crops dried up.
oh theres also restaurant city and pet society...
the devil's on facebook; i go there only to check my mousetrap.
Posted by deemnsout4ever
you're using a mousetrap to catch El Diablo ??

I caught worse than El Diablo.. alas, they're nothing but pixels.
Posted by Summer Bear

Twitter is the REAL popularity contest. It's one way. I can have 1000 followers and be following ONE person. NOW I LOOK IMPORTANT!! EVERYBODY LIKES ME Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

That's what I hate and like about Facebook. The lack of customization can be stifling to individuality and uniqueness, but at the same time it disables really lame layouts like some of the ones that can be found on Myspace. With their flashy sparkles everywhere with their name on repeat. It's just straight up tacky imo. Anyway, simplicity can be nice at times. I think Facebook is the more mature version of Myspace.
Twitter sucks...simply for the fact that many people tweet really mundane things like, "I ate pizza." Also the fact that you're limited to only a few words sucks as well.
Posted by Domino
ahahahaha, i like update mine like at least 5 times a day lol
and my profile pic is boxxy, i just put my status as: " "Oh, BOXXY!, can't you seeeeEEEEE, you're the BOXXY FOR MEEEEeeeee" ??? ??? .... damn this e-crush of mine is baaaaaaaaaaaaad. : ("
LOL, and i got like 5 comments already and they are all like: this isn't healthy

Oh really? For some reason that does not come as a surprise LOL
I have a FB but rarely get on... yes, I do have over 100 friends and no I have not met the majority in person (although, I have spoken to a number of them on the phone). It's comprised of family, my best friends and a handful of people I knew from my past (including my first love when I was 15... he still loves me too - isn't that sweet of him, he and I just talked about that last night). But, the majority are part of a national volunteer organization I'm part of that engages in animal rescue. We like to post our photos of the dogs we're fostering and discuss their issues. It's like a big support group! Oh wow, just like DXP!
I use Facebook to connect with my friends, it's more fun that MSN ! I'm not attempting to win any popularity contests, I have about 60 friends and they are all friends I socialize with IRL.
What?!! It's not a popularity contest?! Damn it!!! And here I thought I was winning! I guess there's no need for me to keep the naked pics posted! Thanks for bursting my little bubble. Big Grin
*off to remove the naked photo album*

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